I was born August 17th 1982 at 3am in Saint Mary's hospital in Manchester.
I grew up in a working class house and had one brother, Tom who was 2 years and 10 days older than me (the 10 days is important, honest). I can remember so many different events in my childhood it'd take a year to write them, so I'll drop the less interesting stuff. I never really got into fights as a kid, except with my brother, though for the large part we got a long. Even after he slammed a door on my hand and chopped my thumb off. I was 6 at the time, fortunately my mum was around and she got me to hospital wher they re-attached it and used plastic surgery to make it look right. There's still a scar around my thumb, and it's a different size to the other one (it's actually longer). I don't really think about that day much, I can remember it, but it's not a day I care about, I don't hold it with much significane.
Keeping on the theme of injuries, me and my brother used to both have bikes and we'd ride them around the neighbourhood regularly. One night my mum was out and we got into the garage and took our bikes out at night. I have no ideaa what caused it, but all I can remember is going over the handle bars and hitting the ground mouth first. Somehow I ended up at home with a whole tooth in my left hand (it's all in the details). none of the other teeth were broken, or loose, just one of my front teeth came out whole. We found an all night dentist who managed to put it back in, but the tooth didn't settle and the roots died so I now have a bridge.
Unlike having my thumb cut off, that day had a big impact in my life, after that I was never the asme again on anything with two wheels. Ofcourse, I still rode my bike from time to time with friends, but I never enjoyed it properly. And the frequency of me riding just lowered and lowered until I stopped. I've never wanted a bike since, I've never been interested in motorbikes and I've never accepted a ride on one.
Moving on in years, my brother was alright as a kid, until about half way through high school when he started to become increasingly influenced by his friends. It would be unfair to say that I didn't have the teenage rebellion in me at times, a lot of times. But my brother went a step too far. He started getting abusive to the family, and at 15 we sent him to live at my aunt and uncles, to see if being in a different environment would make a difference. It didn't, after three months living there he set fire to the school he was attending in Mansfield. And the lads that got him to do it spilled all to the police. Naturally, he was arrested, then he went to court and was sentenced to 3 years.
He didn't really start to go off the rails until he was in prison. When he came out he was a different person, he'd built himself up in the gym and he was much more agressive. To avoid going too far ahead in time I'm going to leave that topid and go back to me personally. All this was going on while I was still in school, I didn't want to be in school, and to be fair, most of the time I wasn't. As a result of this, I got poor grades, though at least I never got into drugs and fights.
The first girl I went out with, Sam, was in my year but went to a different school. I went to Parrs Wood, she went to Chorlton. She was a nice girl, too nice for what I was turning into (the Hulk, only kidding), I was to a lesser degree, starting to imitate my brother. When he came out of prison, I was happy to see him, we'd got on well as kids and as far as I was concerned, Tom was back. When I left school, I decided to make up for school, and went to Stockport college, I spent 3 years there, 1 year making up for my GCSE's and and a second year doing a follow up course in Construction Design of the Built Environment. I enjoyed the experience, and I still have an interest in that area, but I didn't really have it to make it a profession. While I was in college, I met my second girl friend, Suzannah. She was another blonde, and we shared a lot of interests, but we only lasted as long as the college course. We jsut kind of went to work and became just friends and then not even that after a while.
After college I got my first job, and it was during this time that me and my brother really, seperated. After he came out of prison, he wasn't the same as before. I was happy because he was back. It wasn't long until he was back in prison, he'd duffed one of the lads up who'd ratted on him about setting the school on fire. He went to prison again after that, but the real killer to me, was the way he treated the family. He seemed to have lost something mentally, and he'd just flip out, completely. Ultimately, it led to him being banned from our street
This one night, I was in bad and woke up by some loud smashing noises downstairs. My dad ran down to take a look and my brother was smashing our windows. He'd been sleeping on the couch because he had nowhere to live. This was in 2002, so I went down to see what was going on, and there's shouting, screaming, then a punch up between Tom and my dad. Somehow he managed to get away, and he got into the kitchen, grabbed a knife and chased us all out the house. We're in the middle of the street, at 4am in the morning, being chased by a member of the family holding what much have been the biggest knife we had, screaming he was going to kill us. The scary part was that I believed him.
I specifically remember that my dad slowed down so that me and my mum could get away, but I didn't go. He grabbed my dad and was holding the knife to him and one thought kept going through my head "if that knife goes in, I'm going to kill him". And believe that at that moment in time, I was mentally prepared to kill my brother. What happened was my dad tried to grab the knife and had a tendon in his had cut, my brother got big gash on his face and the police arrived. They didn't catch him, but they arrived, took my dad to hospital and we had my brother banned from the street. A couple of days later, and a lof of money spent on flowers and time spent apologising to the neighbours and things were normal again. Only with Tom still banned from the street. That wasn't the first, or last time he went off the rails, but it was the one that stopped him coming round.
A year later and I had found a house, I was seeing a girl called Sarah, who I'd known for a long time. I wasn't friends with her all the time we knew each other we just knew each other. My work was going well, and life was good. Me and Sarah didn't last, we saw each other for about 8 months on and off between 2003 and 2004. She's a nice girl, but it just didn't work. We're still friends anyway. Shortly after that I met Charlotte, who I'm still with now. I met here while I was out with some friends in Fallowfield, she was a griend of a freind and we hit it off. We didn't start dating straight away, it was about 2 motnhs after we met when I took the plunge and asked her. She was at Uni doing a nursing dergee, which later passed. She currently works at Trafford General. She moved in with me 6 mothns after we started dating and I've been happy to have her around since. I don't see too much of her, because sometimes out work patterns prevent that, but I think it keeps us appreciating the time we do spend together.
Going back to work, my career is great when you look at it, 2 years doing construction desing at college, then I start work as an office junior for a communications company where I end up a sales exec. I leave there for a marketing company, which I didn't like, though the pay was good. I leave there to set up my own comms company, selling mobile phones, which goes really well. For a while. The probnlem weasn't the business structure, it was me, physically. It was too much. I ended up cutting down my telephone work and getting a part time job in the mornings for... A communications company, Caudwell communications it was, then it became Pipex, during which time I met the Hoff. He was big, in leather, and stank. What a guy.
While I was at pipex my job involved monitoring the systems, managing data streams and running reports. All of that in between the usual stuff like browsing GTP, reading the news and playing guess that bra size with my colleagues. I didn't do much interaction with clients, though I got talking to a business client not too long ago. We just chatted about general stuff, he worked for a business and events organising company that tied into a larger compay that organised hotels and what not for the government and for other businesses etc.
The comapny is called Expotel and the part he was in was called STC. We were just chatting, and we got onto the topic of work and to cut to the chase, he asked if I'd like a job with him. So that's what I do now, I manage budgets and contracts for events and conferences, so far, in the UK, but I do have one for France next year and I have one for Washington DC next year that I'll need to start on in the coming months. I would say, I'm ambitious when it comes to career moves, though a bit less ambitous now than I was before I ran my own company, though I'm glad I tried.
That's a bit of a brief summary of things, and I might add to it at a later date.