lightoom/photoshop quality issue

Hello all. Im running into a bit of a issue with lightroom 2.0 beta and its driving me insane!

I have an image I shot in raw and in lightroom it looks great, but when i export it it looks like crap! All the fine detail is gone! I've tried exporting at 100% quality, jpg and tiff and turned sharpening on and off and it still doesn't work, below is a picture of a side by side comparison of the files. Even exporting to PSD and saving in photoshop doesn't work, it still looks more detailed in lightroom with the raw file then in anything I export it with. The ONLY way ive found to make it look even half way decent is to take a print screen and paste it.

Color profile is sRGB saved at 100%

Any ideas?

You are resizing the image and that creates scaling issues. Try the different resizing algorithms (I don't know the correct term). Bicubic Linear for the resize/web export tends to do a pretty good job for at maintaining detail

There have been many claims that the RAW processing capability of Adobe/Apple/3rd party apps doesn't match up to the first party programs sold separately by Nikon, Pentax, Canon, etc.

Something worth trying - see if your camera shoots in dng format. It's an open source RAW format that's fully supported by Adobe.
Lightroom's jpeg exports seem really bad, I get some weird artefacts on the edges of high contrast objects, even if I export at maximum quality.
You are resizing the image and that creates scaling issues. Try the different resizing algorithms (I don't know the correct term). Bicubic Linear for the resize/web export tends to do a pretty good job for at maintaining detail

There have been many claims that the RAW processing capability of Adobe/Apple/3rd party apps doesn't match up to the first party programs sold separately by Nikon, Pentax, Canon, etc.

Something worth trying - see if your camera shoots in dng format. It's an open source RAW format that's fully supported by Adobe.

Even at 100% size I still get the detail loss, I've turned off all noise reduction and it helped a tiny bit but I still lose some of the fine blue whisps of blue. If I export to DNG it does retain the detail, but once I save to jpeg it goes to crap again, tiff goes to crap too, even PNG.