Limited cars per make. Would it work?

  • Thread starter Patrik
I would like to see more 90's models of the European cars... Like BMW, Audi, Opel..?
yeah, more older bmw's would be cool, while I want more 90's Japanese cars, toyota chaser and all those ''old'' popular drift objects...
i think even if they put pointless multiple cars in, they could clean up the menus a bit so you would scroll along to maybe a drop down menu...pick skyline or whatever...version...year...color, that way everyone would be happy cos the used car section isnt full up of the same models and like before, pd can still get away with clones with minor stat changes
i think even if they put pointless multiple cars in, they could clean up the menus a bit so you would scroll along to maybe a drop down menu...pick skyline or whatever...version...year...color, that way everyone would be happy cos the used car section isnt full up of the same models and like before, pd can still get away with clones with minor stat changes
yeah, right. so PD! if you are reading this! make as many cars as possible but make it easy to find the car you want! :D
I think i got a pretty good idea for the ''to much skylines'' problem... I think they could have maximum of 20-30 cars per make. and those 30 cars or less would be the best new, best classics, most fameous cars of the make in the history. then i think the skyline problem will be away, and it would be more intresting cars into the game...

What do you think? =D

I think more along the lines of 2-3 models of each car maximum, I don't even drive a car if it has too many similar counterparts-especially in the same make! 🤬 :banghead: :irked: :mad: :mad: :banghead: 🤬
I dont think a few cars from each brand would work. Too many good cars would get excluded, and we'd be stuck with the typical cars.
The more the merrier! Although, when they say 500 cars or whatever they shouldnt include all the little variations, just the models. Not that it really matters. :)
I think they gotta consentrate on making a complete game with damage, tire marks at the ground, better AI and stuff before they start putting in all the cars!
I'm pretty sure those things can be done simultaneously, as PD has a large enough team for it. We shouldn't worry about it. :)
I'm pretty sure those things can be done simultaneously, as PD has a large enough team for it. We shouldn't worry about it. :)
no, you're right... they probably know what they r doing :)
I'm pretty sure those things can be done simultaneously, as PD has a large enough team for it. We shouldn't worry about it. :)
Spot on, the team dealing with the Ai are a different team to the peopel doing the car models who in turn are a different team to the people doing the tracks ect. Hazarding a guess though, I think the AI team takes the most cig breaks.
The more the merrier! Although, when they say 500 cars or whatever they shouldnt include all the little variations, just the models. Not that it really matters. :)
More the merrier is right(that's what I said about GT4). It doesn't make sense to deduct cars, at least to me. As live4speed was saying, I don't think the disc space was ever a problem, but I think manpower and time was. I'm pretty sure that variations of Skylines cost Polyphony Digital very little of both.

P.S. PuTTe's idea of search engine for used cars is brilliant. :) 👍
There is a reason why I am not opposed to so many variations of one car. It's already obvious there are all sorts of Skylines and Lancers and such. It is only a big problem if every other car is a (insert car name here), and your only trip to stardom relies on these identical cars. And I'm like, so what? Some cars have a lot of variations, including older models and specials. Then too, people have their favorite autos. No, really. Some people have their favorite autos that they love a certain car from a certain era. Look at all the American car types wanting a rear-wheel drive Impala. Look at all the ones who would rather have a 1970s Charger than the new one. Many like the 240SX for drifting. You want to appeal to as many people as possible because every car lover is different. Some want a tuner dream car with FWD or RWD. Some want a no-compromises straightliner with sick amounts of horsepower. Some prefer them from the 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, you go from there.

The next question would obviously be, why are there so many? And why do we have to "put up" with all these variations? Well let me ask you this. Why do people want to race Nurburgring Nordschleife more than a much shorter road or street course? As much as people like certain things, their love of cars and racing is no different from anyone else's. We are all a community that loves cars and racing. That's the common bond we all have as racing fans and GT gamers. We are a community, but many people disregard that. Afterwards, they want to impose what THEY like about automobiles and tell anyone else who dislikes his or her views to "go to Hell." Same especially goes with too many Skylines and such. Some love the automobile so much that they want as many variations as possible to enjoy the experience whichever way they choose. I can't stop or regulate that because I'm not PD. I am not in charge of what should or shouldn't be in the next GT.

To sum this all up, some people have such love for on or more automobiles, that they want the experience in any variation or model year in any way they see fit. I see it more as dedication on gamers' parts than laziness on PD's part.
A really good point there... but if they push in more cars as I said before the variation of the cars would be greater. like car brands that wasent in gt4 (saab) the more diffrent car you have the more ppl want to buy it becouse THEIR favorite car is in it..

I say more diffrent car to the ppl (for me I loved the mine´s skyline but I found a new love in gt4 called the blitz, and I wanted to try new cars that i diden´t know about)

I say more cas to give ppl more to test and mayby find a new favorite car
InZan, I pointedly asked for Saab to be included myself, as well as Volvo, Porsche, Ferrari, etc. Hopefully in GT5, we'll find that certain car we've been begging for. ;)
Tenacious D
InZan, I pointedly asked for Saab to be included myself, as well as Volvo, Porsche, Ferrari, etc. Hopefully in GT5, we'll find that certain car we've been begging for. ;)
I sent a email regarding this to Saab, asking them to push their products in GT5. I suggest you guys do the same. :)
saab where asked to be in gt4 but said no with the reason "We don´t want our cars to be asociated with a game we are a serious company and think that being involved in a game will make us sell less cars"

thats the reason i heard why saab isen´t in the game
Their in other games like Race driver and I'm pretty sure theres a Saab in Rally sport. Makes no sense tbh, probably accurate coming from a big corporation but like the issues companies yused to have with damage, it's just balls.
saab where asked to be in gt4 but said no with the reason "We don´t want our cars to be asociated with a game we are a serious company and think that being involved in a game will make us sell less cars"

thats the reason i heard why saab isen´t in the game
:D haha, thats just cause they r scared to show how bad SAAB's cars really are. no... SAAB actually have some good performance cars (220hp and such)... to bad they all are front wheel drive :( but thats in the other way what they're fameous of... Per Eklund's Pikes Peak Saab with, i think 800-900hp would be cool to have in the game though :D
Saab's are great cars, they handle well amd feel well balanced to drive. They just have some crap opnions of representation.
I know, I like Volvo's too.
:D fun to hear GB is not bad at making cars either! hand made Austin Martin! :D

sry for going offtopic guys!

EDIT: if you like SWE cars i guess you like the Koenigsegg ;)
I am not a Saab fan in terms of styling. For what I know, the ugliness of the Saab autos is usually made up for in full with beautiful handling. But in terms of Swedish autos, I'd choose either Volvo or (granted it was considered for the next GT) Koenigsegg. I don't know as much as I'd like to about Koenigsegg, but if they were included, I'd love to see Koenigsegg represented.

As I've said earlier, don't give me that "Japanese bias" bull:censored: or whatever when it comes to all these cars. It's either a good number of cars, or no cars. You can probably make the case of, would you want a bevy of different Ford Mustangs (just give me the 1960s and the 2005 and older Mustangs, and we cool), all the Camaro variations, and all that. I say it's about devotion because there are some fans who love a certain kind of car from a certain model year with a certain designation. They may all be the same car under the same name, but usually if a car is hot that it spawns a number of different variations that makes for more ways to enjoy your car, then can you really say that these are really USELESS versions of a car or truck? The only difference is if maybe a car looks different but is nothing special in terms of power or performance. Then it gets to be a problem. Even if Daihatsu took their Midget D-Type and came up with 25 different variations with variations in power, aspiration (NA or Turbo), suspension upgrades, racing package, or whatever, as long as they don't seem COMPLETELY identical, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
But in terms of Swedish autos, I'd choose either Volvo or (granted it was considered for the next GT) Koenigsegg. I don't know as much as I'd like to about Koenigsegg, but if they were included, I'd love to see Koenigsegg represented.
Learn more HERE. 806hp and 920nm and Swedish safety... top speed: 390km/h (240mph). 0-100km/h (0-62mph) in under 3.5 seconds...
Learn more HERE. 806hp and 920nm and Swedish safety... top speed: 390km/h (240mph). 0-100km/h (0-62mph) in under 3.5 seconds...

correct me if I am wrong but I have my guess that the car did 388km/h to be exact :D
took about 10 mins and the record was set (sry for off topic)

and back to topic :

I would love to see the koenigsegg in gt5 (for all you music-fans out there.. Martin Eriksson A.k.a. E-type drives the koenigsegg)

would be fun to get som more european cars i.e. volvo, saab, and for the exsisting ones i would like some more cars from the dealers..

becouse I belive that i.e. volvo don´t have just 2 cars for sale....
give us more variation of cars in gt5
correct me if I am wrong but I have my guess that the car did 388km/h to be exact :D
took about 10 mins and the record was set (sry for off topic)

and back to topic :

I would love to see the koenigsegg in gt5 (for all you music-fans out there.. Martin Eriksson A.k.a. E-type drives the koenigsegg)

would be fun to get som more european cars i.e. volvo, saab, and for the exsisting ones i would like some more cars from the dealers..

becouse I belive that i.e. volvo don´t have just 2 cars for sale....
give us more variation of cars in gt5
I dont want them to have more of everything! japanese, american, european and everything! i just hate when they many of the same gen cars. for exampel: 10-15 r34 skyline GT-R's??? thats to bad...
But when it's a case of having them or not and nothing filling their place, I'd rather have them. And the fact is, nothing does fill their place.