- 243
- kassmark95
Sorry can't find any list on GTPlanet (I haven't spent a long time looking), be very much appreciated if someone has a list they can post or direct me towards, thanks.👍👍
37kazzmarkSorry can't find any list on GTPlanet (I haven't spent a long time looking), be very much appreciated if someone has a list they can post or direct me towards, thanks.👍👍
37kazzmarkAnyone got an answer??
Spirra, cant remember who makes it or if spirra is the manufactur, but it can be supercharged.
AE111s are superchargable, I believe a few of the later model FWD Toyotas are as well...
Gah I almost typed "Proto Motors" but it's Oullim Motors or something to that effect.
It was Proto motors in GT4 but now it is Ouillim motors in GT5.