Listen to Air Traffic Control!

Cheers bro, I live on a descent route to East Midlands, I get plans opening landing gear around my area sometimes. Will be interesting to hear.
Hey thanks i got this working Currently im Hearing radio trans missions From JFK Ground control

Switched to LAX Tower lot a traffic going on there
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Don't listen to Dayton. Not a damn thing going on here. :lol:

EDIT: Never mind. Careflight is cruising around...I can hear the chopper headed this way.
Roger that Keef can you Confirm the chopper's ID How copy Over ? :dopey:

Plus tell me what the Dayton airport code please ?

LAX Still got traffic though

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California is always busy as hell, but right now I guess the four hours between there and New York make a big difference. Flying into DAY at night is nice because it's always really quiet. The last time I flew with some friends up there they let us do figure-8 touch-and-gos in the 172 until we got bored.
Singapore is pretty busy. I wonder how these Australian pilots can understand the singlish.
Most of the major international airports have feeds. The ones I checked anyway. I was surprised to see that they don't have London Heathrow.
Is this even legal? It says that audio linking is prohibited.
Other than that pretty cool
Most of the major international airports have feeds. The ones I checked anyway. I was surprised to see that they don't have London Heathrow.

I'm pretty sure that it is still illegal to rebroadcast radio transmissions that originate in the UK - a remnant of WW2 that they haven't bothered repealing.
Have a look at the FAQ on the website, I think that is where I read it.

Oh, and if there is an accent Aussies will understand, its Singlish/Chinglish - there are loads of migrants here that we get to practice Chinglish all the time
California is always busy

I like listening to SOCAL, its a small group of controllers that operate the heavy class bravo and charlie airspaces.

Pilot here.

Listen to SAN and LAX when fog rolls into the coast, real fun to hear
California is always busy

I like listening to SOCAL, its a small group of controllers that operate the heavy class bravo and charlie airspaces.

Pilot here.

Listen to SAN and LAX when fog rolls into the coast, real fun to hear

One of the most beautiful sceneries I've ever seen.