I figured the (

) was enough to show it was lighthearted, guess humor's lost on some.
And no one picks V4's unless they're buying old Lancia's, Saab's, or ZAZ's. Although it's Kuwait, so some oil sheik
might be driving around a Porsche 919. I mean your country does have one of, if not the, highest valued currencies in the entire world.
You're picking on - everything unnecessary to be corrected which was mentioned by me earlier - to correct things that it should had been clear to you ( when i said V4 i meant 4 cylinder cars - not necessarily V shaped 4 cylinders, and i regret my mistake on not fixing that mistake - which gave you the reason to pick on it to correct unnecessary things ) also you're not making humors - more like making fun of me here by using my country & Sheikh in your points.
I gave you early notice ( my country is a red line - don't bring it in your conversation about economy ) then you switched into the available expensive cars owned by sheikhs after talking about economy.
Now you talked twice about something related to oil which makes it two times you're picking about that i don't have the right to complain about economy & neither worry since it's easy to buy expensive cars ( as you wrongly assumed ) here so i shouldn't TALK IN THE FIRST PLACE !?
Look - i remind you again i never complained in the first place about Economy before stating a copied points from another website about SUVs disadvantages.
When i put SUVs disadvantages which are true in every place - you choose me to limb me with your logic about ( which it looks clear ) about me on not having the right to talk about economy just because of oil and the ease of owning expensive cars ( <<< which again you wrongly assumed ) just because i live in a place with good condition when it comes to economy ?
Isn't that racist enough when you limb my country in your conversation to silence me when i mentioned somethings copied from a website related to economy which i never complained about in the first place ?
Again you don't know what you're talking about.
Most expensive cars in my place are a used old cars which it's price had hit the ground.
Ironically you can now buy 2008 porsches at prices lower than a Ford Explorer ( heck even less than some normal full option Chevrolet cars ) so don't talk like you know everything in my place.
I hate it when people think that in every turn in my place - you see Porsche - Rolls Royce & Maseratis.
Most our cars here are Camry's & Land Cruiser.
If you talk about sheikhs i don't care what they own because in our generation you can buy an old Rolls Royce for a price close to Mercedes Benz E-Class highest option ( which is a car i rarely see new models in my place )
I almost forgot - there are people in my place who rent expensive cars just to look good infront of their friends or families.
I don't know the exact percentage, but they're common.
Ok back to word about the ease on owning expensive cars in my place ( which you've wrongly assumed )
Did you know that our Mercedes dealership don't have new cars ( based on latest information i got ) but only older models sold AT THE FREAKEN SHOW ROOM which should have new cars ?
Did you know that most people here own old Japanese cars from early 2010s & older ?
Did you know that most American cars here are also older models from also 2012s & below ?
Even Infiniti & Jaguar dealerships are near DEAD on selling their cars here ?
When the oil prices just doubled everyone had started to go for 4 Cylinder & 6 Cylinder cars here mostly.
Also when you mentioned our ( Sheikhs ) your racism are showing.
Right when you talked about my country like 'you know it all' i had a feeling that this conversation will shift into unwanted points.
I don't think you have ever visited there, give it a visit here and see if i'm wrong on my previous statements.
You're talking about one particular aspect of safety (rollovers). I know I'd rather be in a Macan than a Miata if there were an unavoidable collision with another road-going crossover — although if I were choosing which was hitting me as a pedestrian, I'd much prefer the Miata.
I'm with
@Danoff here. What inevitably happens with news of a performance crossover like the Lister is a bunch of loud noises from a vocal minority about how SUVs are the vehicular equivalent of the devil. They'll trumpet the idea that a dedicated sports car is better at ten-tenths as if that's a revelation, missing the point.
Considering this is GTPlanet, how about a similar situation: the sim racing wheel elitists. Is a wheel the most immersive input device for a realistic racing game? Sure. Is it vastly more money than the controller that comes with a console? Bingo. How's it work with a playthrough of Uncharted?
Performance crossovers don't rank highly on my personal dream drive wishlist, but I certainly understand their appeal in the real world we actually live in. That they also tend to be cash cows, enabling companies like Porsche (or Jag) to thrive and build the cars I do covet, is a bonus in my books.
Fair points but my real issue isn't the existence of SUVs, my real issue is making them too fast.
Of course & it's obvious that companies are seeking cash cows in their cars fleet to build their empires XD
So to sum things up - i'm against ( crazy fast SUVs ) but not against the existence of SUVs.