Still, Enthusia is very much forgotten now unless you've actually played the game and enjoyed it fully.
I see myself as one of those. I actually gave it a change, and although it started reeeally slow, and with little information on how to progress, eventually, I got the hang of it, unlocked better cars, and it was a smooth sailing from there.
If memory doesn't fail me...I think I nearly finish the career mode. Hard to understand, but I think the objective is to win all the events, while planing ahead. It's not too harsh if you happen to loose a race, because your car gets better, and so next time around you get a better shot at victory. 👍
Sadly, I feel more comfortable with the PS3 controller, so playing racing games on the PS2 it's impossible for me. I'll have to wait for my DFGT to be installed to get this gem out of the closet and finally complete it to 100%
And now, who can remember the original classic!?
Collin McRae Rally, PlayStation (Japanese '99, EU 98, US '00)
I really enjoyed the rally school on that one, with McRae himself giving you tips!

The championship mode was really competitive, and you could adjust your car settings according to the stage, even select the best tyres (if you made the wrong choice, you would really notice). Besides official WR cars from the current season, you could unlock classics like the Audi Quattro.