It's not over yet. I imagine it will be viewable when the chat is over.
Just in case, here's what I have from about the 30 minute mark to the very end for those wanting to catch up a bit.
Note: I'll delete this post if someone can post the entire transcript from beginning to end...
(Copy and paste this transcript to an editor such as Notepad if you wish to save it on your local hard drive.)
Transcript for Chat: 'Gran Turismo 5: Prologue Chat - Live at 4pm PST!', Mon Apr 14 16:34:21 PDT 2008, User: Anonymous
FooMasta: what are the different modes when playing online?
skebe: To FooMasta: You get to rank your lap time and drifting points against worldwide (yes worldwide) fans. You can also race against up to 15 other players in race mode. You can download the fastest players' replay videos to practice and improve your skills. Then there's GT-TV, where you can view automotive video content... and more features will be added thru future updates!
PSPFREAKERAJD: Do you guys plan on supporting GT5 Prologue up until GT5's release? Can we expect new updates/features/patches until then?
skebe: To PSPFREAKERAJD: Absolutely!!
Cobra Girl: I really enjoyed fully tuning cars in the previous GT games. Can we expect full tuning to come, or will Polyphony Digital stay with the "quick tune" feature that is in GTHD?
chjmp: To Cobra Girl: Hey Cobra Girl! Glad to hear that you're a volunteer mod on the forums... so, as far as tuning goes for GT5... that'll be a feature we discuss as we get closer to launch. Right now, we're heavily focused on GT5 Prologue and creating an experience that is easy to digest but also carries a lot of potential, and Quick Tune does just that.
polishpride212: Will there be the ability to transfer credits/cars from GT5 Prologue to GT5 like there was for Gran Turismo 4?
skebe: To polishpride212: There has to be, right?! I'm sure we'll find a way to not waste your effort.
FDPfrankie: How long is the Beyond The Apex Documentary?
skebe: To FDPfrankie: Approximately 20 minutes!
Major Johnson: How many different camera views are there?
skebe: To Major Johnson: We don't want you to count... so we'll just say MANY. Including the new intertior view that shows the drivers' hands and the car's guages working in real-time. The views are of our strengths that we're proud of.
Patriot: oSend to All: Alright everyone. We're going to leave the queue open for just a few more minutes, so get your questions in!
kickasspats: Im guessing there rumble support in GT5?
skebe: To kickasspats: Yes there is! It's great. I also recommend the Logitech wheel to get the best experience.
GoHerd35: How does the new Racing AI work? Also, what sets Gran Turismo 5/Prolouge apart from other racers from previous years?
skebe: To GoHerd35: With the increase of opponents (5 to 15) in Prologue, the experience is closer to real life, and challenging. Lots of thinking required on the track

Every time we come out with a new version, we try to introduce innovative features. GT-TV is a new idea you can't find in other games, if you're connected you'll be flooded with interesting stuff like historical pieces on cars, new announcements from car manufacturers, etc. We're trying to take Gran Turismo beyond just being a video game.
Mark_Monteagudo: Will you be planning to include the 'Beyond the Apex' documentary into the PSN download version of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue?
skebe: To Mark_Monteagudo: Mark, no... that video was made exclusively for the BD version.
Patriot: Thanks for your questions everyone! The devs are working hard to answer as many as possible. Hang in there! :-)
davethestalker: Could you please completely overhaul the Performance Points system for online races, or just eliminate it? It's not fun taking a "race car" to a race and getting beat badly by ordinary cars because we had to severely detune our race cars so they could qualify.
skebe: To davethestalker: Davethestalker, looks like you've been playing the foreign versions

We have updated the calculation methods for PP in the latest version... check it out and let us know how you feel!
PSPX_02: I know this is going to see like a very radical question but can you please explain to me why I should download/buy GT5P when I can just wait and buy GT5 later this year? Will GT5 be that significantly bigger than GT5P?
skebe: To PSPX_02: With how much effort it takes to build the cars and tracks for PS3, GT5 full version will not come out later this year. You will be able to enjoy GT5P for a while, along with the planned updates.
sk8erdh36: What would you say is your favorite NEW feature of the GT5P?
skebe: To sk8erdh36: I like logging on and taking that Corvette out on Daytona... but being smoked by the diehard fans
marioisdead: Will the game include any classic cars from the 50's, 60's, and 70's.
skebe: To marioisdead: I'm personally a big fan of American muscle cars... check out the Art Morrison '60 Corvette in GT5 Prologue. It won Best of Show at the Gran Turismo Awards at SEMA in 2006 and is now in the game!!
Tenshi-San: How accurate do the cars handle compared to their Real-life counterparts ?
skebe: To Tenshi-San: Every time we release a new version of the game we are TRYING to get it one (or two) steps closer to reality. We do a great job getting access to the reallife counterparts when we model them, and drive them to make sure the game stays accurate

chjmp: To Tenshi-San: hauntingly close. We had a Press Event with Nissan for the GT-R launch, and some of the engineers got behind the wheel and started to beat our own times in both drift and time trial. That alone goes to prove if the real guys that work on the physical car can just pick up and drive withouth batting an eye: we've come close to the real thing.
ChampFantana: Will the progress gamers make in Prologue be somehow incorporated into the final version of Gran Turismo 5?
skebe: To ChampFantana: So many people ask this question... i have to say, DON'T WORRY!
TurboIIFC: Are any of you guys even real life car enthusiasts or do you just work on the game as a job? I personally have a highly tuned 400hp Mazda RX7. What about you guys, what do you drive?
skebe: To TurboIIFC: Nice RX7! send a photo! I'm a proud owner of an M3 with a Japanese titanium exhaust

chjmp: To TurboIIFC: personally, I drove a honda Civic to the ground and now I'm working on an 3.0L 04. The game brings us to be so close to the manufacturers that we're constantly behind the wheel of cars that are new to the market or custom jobs, etc. Just recently we had an EvoX in the garage and the G37s, 350Z, etc... yeah we love cars, both to look at and drive (fast).
Shocker: Will GT5P support the sixaxis motion?
skebe: To Shocker: It's still hard to implement sixaxis into such a realistic driving experience like Gran Turismo... but we will fully support the DualShock3.
DNAgent: Will there be a sound text mode to listen to the GT5

music (and will there be songs from the Japanese soundtrack in there too)?
skebe: To DNAgent: Sound text mode... You mean a playlist? Unfortunately we don't have that feature this time, and the songs will play randomly. And YES, the Japanese soundtrack is in there as well.
InfamousM: What audio format(s) does the game support? 5.1, 7.1, Dolby, DTS, etc...?
skebe: To InfamousM: Hi InfamousM, Dolby Digital 5.1, Linear PCM 2ch, 5.1ch, 7.1ch.
nekon: What can you tell us about car customization? We�ve all seen the great trailers showing tuned versions of some of our favorite rides, but what will we be able to do if anything? I remember reading a quote that sounded like the cars were modeled modularly. I think it was said that this was done for the possibility of both damage and or future customization. Thank you, and thank every at Polyphony for bringing us GT5P and the upcoming GT5.
chjmp: To nekon: For GT5P you'll get a chance to drive plenty of custom tuned cars by PDI. As far as custom tuning your own car - that's where quick tune comes into play and you'll be able to fiddle with suspension, gear rations, weight, power, and alignment (plust a few more). You can unlock this feature by successfully completing the offline race events. It's a gearhead's dream!
Cobra Girl: We know it takes about 6 months to model a car for GT5; how long did it take for each track in GT5 Prologue and what was done differently than in GT4?
skebe: To Cobra Girl: Cobra Girl, a track takes at least 6 months to build. You should come to one of our photoshoots... it's like Spielberg's set.. with choppers and everything. The PS3 shows MORE, so we have to build MORE. We have new camera angles also, so it requires us to shoot the track from 800 different places!
MasterGT: How much scripting of races will remain in GT5 and, based on what you know of it, just how "intelligent" is its artificial intelligence now and what can you say about AI things that we can't "see"?
chjmp: To MasterGT: The PS3 is a serious machine to mess with, and PDI is a team that is constantly pushing its boundaries, this is in graphics and AI - - and that of course, is gauged by how "smart" the other drivers on the course are. You'll see that GT5P has really evolved in terms of 'smart' opponents and the AI engine. But of course it's always important to note that where we are now with the AI engnine is not where we'll be once we get the GT5 - - that's just the nature of evolution.
skebe: MAN, my fingers are starting to hurt... thanks for logging on folks, and excuse us for some of our 'blunt' responses... we're trying to go thru as many questions as possible within the time limit. Check out the game in stores (or PSN) tomorrow. And to those who get a copy, we'll see you online!
skebe: Sorry, the PSN version releases Thursday... =)
chjmp: To MasterGT: Thank you everybody, its been great hearing your thoughts. Look out for me on the road and on the track!
Patriot: Big thanks to our guests today for taking time out of their busy schedule to chat with you all! Thanks everyone! :-)
Patriot: Bye all! Happy Racing!