Live Stream: PlayStation 5 Games Reveal

Stream switched to pcars3, uhmm not for me from the impression i get. Looks total arcade now. Maybe its for the best if they couldn't make the last one a real sim handler..
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This is a 911 GT1.
Console looks very slick
Love it.
Does it come in black?

Holy cow. Digital version.
Nah...I'll keep my physical copies of the games
I am interested to see what the difference in sales will be between the two. I've been digital since ps4 dropped honestly. I think i have one physical game for it. None for the pc since I started using steam so long ago.
Games looked ok. Some impressive tech shown, some just look... well, naff.

hardware looks good. I do like the look of the white/blue/black scheme. I agree the baby bump on the disk version looks a little like an afterthought. Hopefully it will be HDMI2.1
Xbox must have weak knees now...

If it is vertical only. I'm on a verge of not buying it. It would not fit anywhere.

Don't worry, you can still lay it down...
You just won't see the V anymore.

It would look good if the white parts would be flush. I dont like the "flaps"

The flaps forms the V....

... It's very feminine now, organic almost....

Now we can stop seeing those ugly renders
To be fair, the few interesting games (to my tastes at least) that we've been shown have been widely offset by the fact the console looks like it does. I don't feel like my guests asking me why I've got a scale model of a Dubai skyscraper in my living room...

Kinda funny how they didn't hint at any potential price point, either.
Just watched the GT7 trailer again.
Honestly lighting looks really good. And sound feels like it has improved quite a bit. Or is it placebo?
Hideous looking console and color scheme. Kind of reminds me of my current white & vertical Netgear router.