Liveries on PS4/XB1 idea

  • Thread starter GTAndy36
I guess he means if something like a monthly competition went ahead, or SMS at some point decide to add new community liveries, everyone would have access to the templates so everyone could get involved... maybe.

That would be stellar. Only problem is non PC users wouldn't be able to get a preview of the results to test results of theit editing, produce photos/show others. The only way to do that is more work for SMS. Either with the hub method in the first post or however they see fit. It's something I hope they are able to implement once the release and whatever else is being worked on are out of the way.
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Can you choose your driver number independently of the car livery?

(e.g.: Choosing "Livery A" and "#45")

No, they are fixed.

Unless you have photoshop and the time to recreate a livery with the number you want. But this is pc-version only.

Edit: You can choose a driver number at the beginning of the career, but I don't know where this comes into play.
Depends on the car, GT3 carsmostly have 15-20 liveries per car iirc
I'm curious about how many liveries the McLaren GT3 has because I read in some build notes that a bunch had to be removed because of licensing issues (i.e. K-Pax and Gulf were removed).
Can anyone confirm that this vehicle still has a good range of liveries because in later vids of PCars that I have seen there has not been that much variety on this car.
No, they are fixed.

Unless you have photoshop and the time to recreate a livery with the number you want. But this is pc-version only.

Edit: You can choose a driver number at the beginning of the career, but I don't know where this comes into play.
I read that we can choose a number but it won't show on the car.
So PC has a livery editor? Like, can you make things in photoshop from a template and that will show up on your car for the world to see?

Call me shallow, but that's what it's going to take for me to buy this game.
So PC has a livery editor? Like, can you make things in photoshop from a template and that will show up on your car for the world to see?

Call me shallow, but that's what it's going to take for me to buy this game.

Yes but this is only possible on the PC version, not on consoles
With the lack of a livery editor for the consoles at the moment...

I've been trying to find out about this, do I infer that you've read that one will be coming?

I thought something similar, even using a USB stick to copy files similar what you can do on Forza to import custom images to use as decals

Really? I've played all 5 extensively and never seen that feature. Is it something that's being added for 6?

That's exactly the reason why not. The reason why it's not a problem with the PC, is because there is no overlord, no first party owner like there is with MS and Sony, nobody to get tetchy over possible legal issues. The most recent thing we've had is the FIA getting it's knickers in a twist over the masses of F1 mods around.

That's a good point about livery editors; although the XBox can deal with "offensive" liveries by simply blocking all "user content" that's a brute-force approach. Some moderation of liveries needs to be undertaken to keep the console age-rating.

I'd prefer something like this as using Photoshop is much better and easier than an in game editor like Forza or Shift 2 had.

Maybe so... but when you see a cool livery in Forza you know that somebody's put some proper work into it. And it still doesn't add artistic taste :D
It's a real pity there's no option for this on consoles, I'd love to have my own business's name sponsoring my racing online ... and would it make the game tax deductible as an advertising expense ? :lol:
Really? I've played all 5 extensively and never seen that feature. Is it something that's being added for 6?
Well, not a livery as such but you could import your own images and place them anywhere in your car, I did for the Forzas available in XB360. just google it something like: Import Images to Forza #
I think Don Bradman Cricket has a terrific system for some customization that can be shared throughout the PC and console versions of the game. SMS should do something similar with Project Cars.
Well, not a livery as such but you could import your own images and place them anywhere in your car, I did for the Forzas available in XB360. just google it something like: Import Images to Forza #

It's up to you to prove it, not me, but I simply don't believe you. There was no import-from-usb system for the paintshop in any of the 5 Forzas.
It's up to you to prove it, not me, but I simply don't believe you. There was no import-from-usb system for the paintshop in any of the 5 Forzas.
Damn I guess you are right O.o I was looking for information in the web and haven't found a thing about it. Guess it was Need for speed then (Pc)