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"Free Time" :embarrassed: :)

Beautiful gallery you have got going here. I like this effect you do with the various bright colors, looks very cheery 👍
That's a nice one. Great composition and angle and the editing although heavy in style looks pretty nice. Like the warm feel. 👍
I totally agree with Nicolas, the two 787B shots are awesome, love the faded toning, the light, the composition. You have really a fu... great gallery mate ! 👍 :cheers:
well - this is a lot of work in your gallery.. i like Mazda,Honda and Fiat gallery Great speed what i like and colors. Photos are clean and perfect for me. Like your style of editing. Great work man!! Keep it up!!:drool::drool::drool::cheers:
well - this is a lot of work in your gallery.. i like Mazda,Honda and Fiat gallery Great speed what i like and colors. Photos are clean and perfect for me. Like your style of editing. Great work man!! Keep it up!!:drool::drool::drool::cheers:
Thank you diobel ...
I never stop learning ... and I will work hard! :dopey: :dopey: 👍
Very nice work on the Fiat 500 set once more. A great set wuith quantity & high quality 👍
The edit work is excellent as usual, with high vibrancy, glow, great colors etc. but the pics by themselves are great with some original angles and great compositions 👍
You have used HDR process in this set ?
The last set is quite good also, maybe a little bit too much saturated for my tastes but that's just a question of tastes because it's a great work as usual ;)
Very nice work on the Fiat 500 set once more. A great set wuith quantity & high quality 👍
The edit work is excellent as usual, with high vibrancy, glow, great colors etc. but the pics by themselves are great with some original angles and great compositions 👍
You have used HDR process in this set ?
The last set is quite good also, maybe a little bit too much saturated for my tastes but that's just a question of tastes because it's a great work as usual ;)
Yeah i used HDR process ;)
The Honda nsx shot are old imagine :D :D :D
I like all your new shots but 17 is my best. As always great work..I dont want to tell you that there is good speed and angle - you al ready know this and keep this way my friend. Great
Do you sleep sometimes ? :P

Once more excellent set with a lot of great shots. Various angle, good edit work with your usual style : I like it a lot 👍
I like all your new shots but 17 is my best. As always great work..I dont want to tell you that there is good speed and angle - you al ready know this and keep this way my friend. Great

Do you sleep sometimes ? :P

Once more excellent set with a lot of great shots. Various angle, good edit work with your usual style : I like it a lot 👍

Thanks boys! I'm very passionate ... and sometimes I do not sleep! :ouch:
That first scenery shot, and the shot after are SO good! Like!