You do realize there are cases where that's helpful.
Oh, you don't? Oh.
Lol it isnt really helpful at all in any way when you can just have it open diff and spinning one front tire and both back tires and corner alot better.
You do realize there are cases where that's helpful.
Oh, you don't? Oh.
Lol it isnt really helpful at all in any way when you can just have it open diff and spinning one front tire and both back tires and corner alot better.
Oh, it can. Try it ;D
Spinning any given tire = bad, mmkay?
It may feel better that way but AWD's entire purpose is to aid traction... Try to take away from that (i.e. don't go for optimum traction) and you wind up with a car worse in every measureable way than a RWD car. If my AWDs spin a tire, they spin all of them... Which, in some cases, results in going ridiculously sideways while sacrificing effectively no exit speed.
Edit:Ronald. I can smell it.
I guess you are using a wheel, no way could you hit 1.17s with the fto using ds3Ok, I'm doing a series of online races at Trail Mountain tight now with the FTO, PP600 limit.
I have everything maxed, but with only stage 2 turbo. Fits in at 596pp I think.
With the set up I've mentioned previously, my best lap in the room is currently 1:17.151, no draft, no cutting the last corner. Tire Wear & Fuel Consumption On, in free run mode.
Swapping to your updated tune, I managed a 1:17.820.
But... I forgot to change the Torque Diff... and the LSd...
So, scratch that, let's try that again...
So, a few things.
First of all, it's an improvement over the previous tune.
Second, it still appears to be slower than a slightly modified stock set up, online. Might not be true offline, I haven't tested it.
But the main thing that sticks out, is the LSD/Torque settings, made practically no difference, which means all the issues I'm experiencing are suspension/alignment related.
Those experiences are a lack of entry and exit, as well as the inability to maintain strong corner speeds. The latter of which is more notable on the big corner after the straight. But entry and exit are lacking throughout the course, giving it an understeer feel.
I tried some quick experiments. 1 of which, was your torque, LSD, and ride height, with the Mod Stock setup. It got better, but still not as quick. I felt that for such a light and low powered car, your camber and toe settings are a bit extreme.
I'm thinking the low ride height may be the cause of the issue, but just in case, I'm going to revert everything back to my set up, with the exception of ride height.
Doing so, and I'm still in the upper 17's. So that may be part of the issue here at Trial Mountain, which has it's fair share of elevation and bumps.
But that's all the laps I'm running for tonight.
I guess you are using a wheel, no way could you hit 1.17s with the fto using ds3
Umm that is how most AWD systems work. They have an open diff in the front so only one single tire in the front will get power and both in the back do. This aids traction massively and if the front EVER locked, it would cause massive understeer.
Ever seen a skyline or an old audi quattro?
They have open diffs in the front because that results in the best handling.
Either way I know for a fact that it being more locked causes understeer and it does in this game as well. My ZZII has an open front diff with 30/70 center diff and it lights up one tire in the front at a time and runs < 6:20 at nurburg.
BasileaJust went for a ride with your FTO... it was a very short test on Trail Mountain! 5 laps default, 5 laps with your tune and 5 laps with Adrenaline's tune ( so it is a little unfair as the learning curve still went up during your tune)... I know that it can go faster but 5 laps aren't enough, still:
Default: 1:21.358
Your tune: 1:19.873
Adrenaline: 1:18.276
First thoughts: the toe settings might be a little too high for my taste and the LSD possibly "slows" it down a bit compared to Adrenaline... but the car is just unbelievable fast (almost unfairly fast)
I will probably give the tunes some more time and go a bit into it! But right at the moment I don't have the time for it, but I will let you know!
Basileayes I did... that's why I said about the learning curve effect...
Baaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww. Yeah, I should request a lock on this.
Why? Just because of the lap times?
There's no hate or flame war going. All what I can see is just an objective discussion. I can't see your point.
Or do I misunderstand you?