Lockdown projects: bass shaker, handbrake, and sequential shifter on T300RS, PS4, Playseat Challenge

  • Thread starter John G
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Project #1: bass shaker


I wanted to create a tactile transducer / bass shaker similar to the buttkicker gamer 2, but for less money.

I settled on a Nobsound G2 amp and Dayton Audio BST-1 shaker unit. It is fixed to the back of the playseat challenge so provides really direct feedback. Total cost was around £115 so around half the price of the buttkicker.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, i made a video on what i did.

Project #2: handbrake (digital on / off)


I wanted a thrustmaster TSS but couldn't justify the price, plus if i wanted a handbrake and sequential shifter, I'd need two at £230 each!

I used a handbrake from a car (VW golf) and simply replaced the cables with a spring. I used the stock handbrake switch and wired this into the R3 button wiring. Total cost around £30.

Here's the vid i did on this

Project #3: Sequential shifter


Again, this was instead of a thrustmaster TSS.

I used an automatic gear selector unit with a straight gate, and added springs and switches. I was lucky that the unit already came with a perfect detent action for that satisfying clunk. This project was a lot more complicated but came in at £55.

Again here's the video of how i put it together. Hopefully there's some useful ideas in there that you can use on your own projects.
