They’ve fixed whatever issues they were having, I just got mine Monday, ordered on Thursday. Now I just need to find the right settings for me.Hey man.
Logitech has been struggling a bit with their online store and shipping in general, but things seem to be going smoother now.
However your problem seems to be related to you living in (on?) Jersey.
Maybe @LOGI_Rich can help?
Best of luck. I'm a relatively new G Pro owner and I love it.
Last week on GT7's daily A (Tokyo with the 87 Civic) I could feel the tarmac joints on the wheel but only when turning.
On the straights I heard the sound of the joints but nothing on the wheel.
Someone knows if this is related with some config on the base? or this is something from PD output that we cant fix on the settings?
I was using 11nm on the base, in game torque = 8, Sensitivity = 1
Last week on GT7's daily A (Tokyo with the 87 Civic) I could feel the tarmac joints on the wheel but only when turning.
On the straights I heard the sound of the joints but nothing on the wheel.
Someone knows if this is related with some config on the base? or this is something from PD output that we cant fix on the settings?
I was using 11nm on the base, in game torque = 8, Sensitivity = 1
I have it on 150 because trueforce is a game changer for me.How "vibration strength" is set in the game? Try 100 or maybe 150
Have you tried different USB ports?Last few times I’ve played GT7 and making a right turn, the wheel just shuts down automatically. I have to press the Red button to turn it on again. It did it once in a session one night and did it in another session a different night with no problems in between. During right turns doing qualifying before an online race.
I asked more or less the same question and according to Rich it's PD's fault... week on GT7's daily A (Tokyo with the 87 Civic) I could feel the tarmac joints on the wheel but only when turning.
On the straights I heard the sound of the joints but nothing on the wheel.
Someone knows if this is related with some config on the base? or this is something from PD output that we cant fix on the settings?
I was using 11nm on the base, in game torque = 8, Sensitivity = 1
I had issues with my wheel at Le Mans today. After the Porsche Curves my wheel disconnected.It happened twice, I had to turn it off and on again to continue playing. But every time I go back to Le Mans problems happen.Hi all!
Anyone here driving le man ultimate?
I’ve got some issues with the ffb on that one.
Works like a charm a couple of minutes, then I hear like a reconnect sound, and the ffb gets really weird. Like it gets choppy.
Anyone else finding the 1.56 GT7 update has made the torque go way down on their Pro wheel? Every car feels much lighter now with the same settings as before.
Am I imagining it or do I wed to switch in game FF upwards from 5 to something higher?
Did anyone try the G923 compatibility mode?Yeah. Feels different overall. Bid numb, definitely weaker.
Did anyone try the G923 compatibility mode?
For me it transformed the G Pro wheel and make it come alive again after the 1.49 update.
Give it a try!
Go to the menu on the wheel, scroll down until you come to compatibility, in there you have 2 options, g923 and pro. Select g923 and follow the prompt. The wheel will restart and the screen will say g923.That's an interesting one! Remind me; where do I make this change? In the GT7 settings in game?