Logitech G25 Racing Wheel

Hi again, new member and second post. I have GT5 prologue and i am thinking of buying the G25 wheel, i was wondering if you can reprogram the paddles to act as accelerator and brake ?
Any help or maybe an alternative suggestion would be appreciated.
thanks - hubcap
Hi to all first time post on this site and looking for some help with my g25 see my paddles on the wheel not working because my son bumped into it next thing i know its on the floor i had a look in it and the board behind the wheel is in two bitts so is there eney one out there got a g25 that is bust ? hope someone can help
First sorry for my english

I'h been playing GT5P with G25. Evrything works fine, but there is a problem with paddle shifters. I can't change gears with them up or down. I have to admite that in GTHD they work fine. I have dawnloded the latest path, but no

Thank You in advance for your help
I have to run it by the girlfriend first.

*"Run it by the girlfriend" means buying the G25 and desk first, getting it delivered and setup, then tell the girlfriend I got it cheap.

Haha, sounds like a plan. Luckily I dont have to worry about that:P
Hia everyone.

Ive been playing around with the G25 for the GT5prologue. What Im noticing in my EU version is that 1. the G25 is not listed at all and 2. 900deg turning is completely and utterly useless / devasting for my driving. What I started to notice was that when I turned the wheel all the way to one side, the drivers arms wouldnt follow. This makes drifting nigh on impossible because the wheel still "wants" to do the full range of traveling. Its less intruisive when I race normally because of small inputs and rarely any turning above 90deg.

Basically, do any of you know of any way to lessen the degree of turning on the wheel, or is this something we just have to hope polyphone does something with in the next update of gt5p? Oh .. and the clutch doesnt work either. Wondering if there could be huge differences between japanses release and european?
Hia everyone.

Oh .. and the clutch doesnt work either. Wondering if there could be huge differences between japanses release and european?

To activate the clutch, you have to push triangle button (top black button or any button you assigned "reverse" to). Stupid thing is, you have to activate it when "start" appears on your screen. You have to do this every time you start a race. I sure hope they (PD) fix this in the next update...
the clutch isnt much of a problem really. Whats still ruining it in driftmode is the inability to actually drift because of the wheel not being fully supported in gt5.
Dont know if any of you have had any experience with it, if so let me know. I suspect its just about waiting, though.
the clutch isnt much of a problem really. Whats still ruining it in driftmode is the inability to actually drift because of the wheel not being fully supported in gt5.
Dont know if any of you have had any experience with it, if so let me know. I suspect its just about waiting, though.

Tell that to breakerohio.

Hi again, new member and second post. I have GT5 prologue and i am thinking of buying the G25 wheel, i was wondering if you can reprogram the paddles to act as accelerator and brake ?
Any help or maybe an alternative suggestion would be appreciated.
thanks - hubcap

Not recommended with 900* steering. :)
Might have worked fine with 180* turning, but yes you can try it.
Thanx Deadlyz33 for the reply, actually your the only reply, i see what you mean with the 900 in fact its quite obvious really - thanks again. hubcap
hubcap: I don't what you mean when you say you "don't drive"? Are you too young, too old, physically handicapped?

If it's not the last one, if you're getting a G25, learn to use the pedals - it won't take that long before you're competent at it.
No m8 I've always ridden a motorcycle - cannot stand waiting in traffic, never tried a car (actually had 2 lessons years ago, did not like it).
Thanks for the advice i might try one anyway.
Ill try some more drifting. Im just struck about how difficult it is because of the wheels willingness to spinn from stop to stop, but with the wheels on the car not turning to more than 180 deg of steeringwheel-input its hyper-sensitive and pretty much horrible to control.
Tried to drift with a controller as said, and it was just ... easy. Really easy. Frustrating with the wheel being that hard. Then again. Maybe more practice is the only thing I need? A friend also suggested I try to stop the wheel when its doing its spinning-lesson when I boot up gt5. Could be a trick for making it "stop" detecting the 900deg turnrate.