Anyone know where to get a stream to the archery? Already the BBC are pissing me off..
Who else thinks the opening will contain a massive cock up ? I hope it does.
Well, they've already had 2, I predict 12 overall.
I hate to lower the tone and that, but does anyone like me think that something serious will happen a terrorist bomb or something..i know that sounds a little over-dramatic, but what with the security problems the have had in the run-up to the games i think it could happen!!
I count seven so far:
- North Korea flag mix up
- Joe Allen being an Englishman in the programme(Why didn't they just describe them as British?)
- Jeremy Hunt
- Jeremy Hunt's bell
- Big Ben
- G4S Security Fail
- Rails were too hot so trains couldn't stop at stations
I don't think so. G4S just cocked up. There are more army personnel in London than in Afghanistan so I don't think anything will happen. The real concern is not that the opening ceremony is attacked but that London is attacked.
Saying that this post could look very foolish in a few hours time.
Not to mention the 7 years worth of mess up's prior to the start (generally considered but not all I agree with).
The Logo
The Stadium
The Sponsors
That Bent Crane Thing
The Mascots
The Tickets
The Team Kit
The bus driver that got the athletes lost
The cable car that people got stuck in for 30mins
The strikes
Olympic lanes