I've followed this case closely, and I can clear up a few points. There has been an enormous amount of speculation about what happened. Most of this has been cleared up with CCTV evidence, police reports and the preliminary IPCC report.
Undercover police suspected him of being a bomber, but failed to positively identify him as he left his flat. (the person supposed to video people leaving the flat was taking a p155) They followed him to check. He was wearing a denim shirt (not a bulky jacket)
He got on a bus (still being followed) and got off at Stockwell Tube. He WALKED into the station, stopping to pick up a free newspaper. He WALKED onto the train, which was waiting at the platform and he sat down. All this whilst being followed by undercover police, one of which sat near him.
Armed police arrived, and the undercover policeman stood up and pointed at Menezes. Menezes stood up, there was a struggle, they held him down and discharged 11 shots at his head and torso.
It was a f:censored:k up from beginning to end. It's unclear who wrongly identified him as a suspect, or for that matter, who failed to identify him as an innocent electrician on his way to a job. Whatever happened, the armed response unit did as they were told / trained to do. Intelligence, or the lack off it was the problem.
Just wanted to offer some information. I'm fed up of people speculating about why he shouldn't have run from the police etc.