London police 'faked evidence' on shot Brazilian: report (AFP)

Damn, they could have just owned up to the mistake, and the guy probably would have got a suspension... now it's murder... :(
What a mess. Very sloppy attemp for such a high profile police. I'm very surprised.
Im not surprised at all. Happens everyday all around the world but atleast this shows we have a democracy and free speech in the UK. In other countries this story would have been hushed up.

The brazilian man is really stupid for running though.
^I believe he spoke little english, so might have been a little spooked at being aimed and shouted at.

Man, I hate our government.
Im not surprised at all. Happens everyday all around the world but atleast this shows we have a democracy and free speech in the UK. In other countries this story would have been hushed up.

The brazilian man is really stupid for running though.
Ah, yeah, it was totally his fault...
Well days after the terrorist attacks he starts running away from undercover policeman on the tube.
That right there buys a benefit of the doubt from me. I'm not judging the runner or the police, because I'm not exactly sure how it all went down. If the runner indeed was aware that it was a real cop, I do agree it was not very smart to run.
Honestly, if you have done nothing serious for example anything serious enough to make a police officer pull a gun on you I'd just comply with him. Not run like a freaking idiot.
i agree with yous all saying he shouldnt have ran but from what i remember there was a train at the station and he was running to catch that,now the police shouted but when you heading off to work and are running late etc you dont really notice if people are shouting etc,like i said i agree he shouldnt have run but i dont agree with the fact that as soon as they could him they but 7 bullets in his head without hesatation(sp) at point blank range i..e. the gun was right up at his head,wtf is up with that,why not just catch him and take him in
Because if he was a suicide bomber, he could quite eaily have detonated the bomb.
Yes, but if he had the detonator in his hand, how would they be able to stop him from pressing it?
I've followed this case closely, and I can clear up a few points. There has been an enormous amount of speculation about what happened. Most of this has been cleared up with CCTV evidence, police reports and the preliminary IPCC report.

Undercover police suspected him of being a bomber, but failed to positively identify him as he left his flat. (the person supposed to video people leaving the flat was taking a p155) They followed him to check. He was wearing a denim shirt (not a bulky jacket)

He got on a bus (still being followed) and got off at Stockwell Tube. He WALKED into the station, stopping to pick up a free newspaper. He WALKED onto the train, which was waiting at the platform and he sat down. All this whilst being followed by undercover police, one of which sat near him.

Armed police arrived, and the undercover policeman stood up and pointed at Menezes. Menezes stood up, there was a struggle, they held him down and discharged 11 shots at his head and torso.

It was a f:censored:k up from beginning to end. It's unclear who wrongly identified him as a suspect, or for that matter, who failed to identify him as an innocent electrician on his way to a job. Whatever happened, the armed response unit did as they were told / trained to do. Intelligence, or the lack off it was the problem.

Just wanted to offer some information. I'm fed up of people speculating about why he shouldn't have run from the police etc.
That clears up alot but why did he struggle when armed police arrived? Thtas a bit dumb after the tune explosions. Also I thought he couldnt speak english well so how could he have been an electrician?
Yeah but if your a customer or a construction foreman how are you ment to tell him whats wrong or what you want fitted if he cant even talk english.

Plus most counstruction sites only employ people with cis cards etc. which he wont have if he cant talk english.
Yeah but if your a customer or a construction foreman how are you ment to tell him whats wrong or what you want fitted if he cant even talk english.

Plus most counstruction sites only employ people with cis cards etc. which he wont have if he cant talk english.
how do u know he didnt speak english though and if he picked up a newspaper he must understand english and speak some
how do u know he didnt speak english though and if he picked up a newspaper he must understand english and speak some

Valid point. I just read in a newspaper that he could speak little english. Therefore though he shouldnt have had any trouble understanding the armed forces instructions. If a bunch of policeman jump out on me with machine guns hell any gun for that matter I do as im told.

In the end its all a really tragic accident and I dont think the guys that shot him should go to prison. That would be just as messed up and Im sure the brazilian guy thats now dead (R.I.P) wouldnt want them to go to prison neither.
Why not? They killed an innocent man.

Due to their duty to this country and their job. Its not as if they enjoyed shooting someone. Just imagine if he did have a bomb on him. Or if they didnt shoot him and he managed to set it off. It was a difficult decision and if it was my son or brother I would be telling the courts to let the men walk. The men will always remember the brazilians guys death and they will be forever in remorse of their actions. Theyre lives are bad enough without having to also go into jail.
Due to their duty to this country and their job. Its not as if they enjoyed shooting someone. Just imagine if he did have a bomb on him. Or if they didnt shoot him and he managed to set it off. It was a difficult decision and if it was my son or brother I would be telling the courts to let the men walk. The men will always remember the brazilians guys death and they will be forever in remorse of their actions. Theyre lives are bad enough without having to also go into jail.
They were on duty, yes. They had to make a decision, yes. But they made the wrong one.

I don't know what's the penalty for this in UK, jail or just losing their badges maybe, but these men should pay for it.
This is trully a sad thing. It's good that they were very vigilant about the possibility of gterrorists, but dang can't they arrest someone first?
If a cop shoot an unarmed suspect 11 times, while that suspect is being held down, that cop would go to jail. What makes this case a little different is that he might have been a suicide bomber. He could have possibly activated the bomb, while he still was pinned down.

Police obviously did mess up pretty badly, since the guy had nothing to do with terrorism. If the suspect(who turned out to be a victim) did struggle or attempt to run, after it was clear that he was dealing with the police, he did take that risk. Any time you fight or run from the police, you should be aware that there is a good chance you could get killed.