London police 'faked evidence' on shot Brazilian: report (AFP)

If this case were tried with the proper evidence from the beginning, a cop or two might lose their badge or get a prolonged suspension. But with a cover up, somebody definitely will go to jail.

It's not uncommon for people to freak out with guns being pointed at them. Especially if they're not used to it. Heck, maybe he thought they were immigration authorities?

I seem to remember the case of a Japanese youth who was shot by an officer in the US (this is anecdotal from the 80's, so sue me if it's not true) because he was not aware that the cop was telling him to get down, and he didn't recognize that the cop was pointing a gun at him.
If this case were tried with the proper evidence from the beginning, a cop or two might lose their badge or get a prolonged suspension. But with a cover up, somebody definitely will go to jail.

It's not uncommon for people to freak out with guns being pointed at them. Especially if they're not used to it. Heck, maybe he thought they were immigration authorities?

I seem to remember the case of a Japanese youth who was shot by an officer in the US (this is anecdotal from the 80's, so sue me if it's not true) because he was not aware that the cop was telling him to get down, and he didn't recognize that the cop was pointing a gun at him.
This isn't that Trick or Treater, is it? Japanese exchange student or Home Stay participant on a Haloween, walks onto this guy's driveway. This effer pulls a shotgun on him, tells him to "freeze". Now, kid was stupid to approach a man with a gun, but the jerk shot and killed this kid.

I saw a photo of this kid, he couldn't assault a 6th grader. We don't have guns in Japan, and crime rate is very low. Before the incident, Japanese people didn't even dream of getting shot by a neighbor. Welcome to America, bang! Probably wouldn't have happened in Oregon, or Canada, but I believe this took place in a southern state(Texas?).

Edit: It was in Lousiana. Wikipedia has little bit on him also. From another site I checked out, I guess the gun was a handgun, not a shot gun. Also, President Clinton met with the parents of the victim and his American host family. When I read this, I thought it was touching, then I read little bit more, looks like it was politically motivated relating to gun control laws. Politicians........
That one was probably it. They explained it as how the kid had never seen a real gun in his life... which for most Japanese is true, I guess.