Long Beach in Forza 5 (DLC)

  • Thread starter Hoodboi
Some are saying to turn on auto-updates, quit the game, shut off the console, and wait a few minutes. When you turn it back on it, it should be updating in the mean time, but I haven't tried it myself. There's a couple saying after putting in standby mode, that it will turn it self on to update and then off.

Again, haven't tried this myself, but it's a solution a few suggested on the main forums and had a decent amount of replies saying it worked.

Edit* This did work for me. If it won't update, toggle the auto-update option, turn it off and wait 5 minutes. Turn it back on and hopefully you'll see 99% Installing for FM5.
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Loving this track, mine seemed to have appeared in the track list last night around 22:00 hrs UK time.

For those interested P.I and prices;

1977 Ford Coyote P962 - 2,000,000
1971 Ferrari 312 R848 - 1,000,000
1957 Jaguar D-Type C420 - 1,470,000
1974 Lancia Stratos D389 - 55,000
1998 Mercedes AMG CLK GTR S704 - 740,000.
This. It's lose/lose when going to a new platform. People will complain about the drop in quantity of content, or you include the old stuff (which wasn't even considered as a possibility really until GT5 did it) and get people complaining that they're playing FM4 Super Turbo.

There is no good solution. Given that content for new consoles takes at least as long to create as it did for old consoles, it's simply not possible for three or four years of content development to compete with seven or eight.

It's more the price of these 50-60 dlc cars, To charge the same amount as the full game is scandalous. The only reason why they get away with it is it falls in line with the same price as COD/Battlefield map packs. Kick in the teeth really considering we paid over £450 ($755) for it.

Long beach is great, went round 12 laps with an Indy Car then 22 laps with an F1 (hit a top 34th time) Hopped into career and it turned into bedlam...The Drivatars just cannot cope with the narrowness of this track they keep smashing into each other at just about every turn on the 1st lap. Online i dont think will work :lol:
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It's more the price of these 50-60 dlc cars, To charge the same amount as the full game is scandalous.

Why? They're offering you the cars at the price that they think will make them the most money. If you like the cars, buy them. If you don't, don't buy them and you'll almost certainly get them in Forza 6.

The full game is always more expensive than the DLC, that's just the model that every developer seems to have found to work. You can charge far more selling stuff to people piecemeal than you can in one big lump.

Kick in the teeth really considering we paid over £450 ($755) for it.

No, you didn't. You paid $60 or the equivalent wherever you are.

You also bought a console, which cost you however much. These are separate purchases. I didn't pay $1000 to use Firefox, and you didn't pay $755 to play FM5.

The price of the game is the price of the game, not the price of the game plus the hardware required to run it on.
Long beach is great, went round 12 laps with an Indy Car then 22 laps with an F1 (hit a top 34th time) Hopped into career and it turned into bedlam...The Drivatars just cannot cope with the narrowness of this track they keep smashing into each other at just about every turn on the 1st lap. Online i dont think will work :lol:

Lol! I was hot lapping last night thinking "where the hell do you pass on this track without wrecking?!?"
All I have to say regarding the Long Beach DLC and relative booster pack is: the XK-D, 312PB and Stratos all are fully Pornovista-enabled. Call me naive or what have you, but that makes me a very happy camper.

P.S: with the 312PB joining the 312T2 and Long Beach now joining the circuits roster I am now ready to turn this game into Clay Regazzoni Motorsport 5.
It's more the price of these 50-60 dlc cars, To charge the same amount as the full game is scandalous. The only reason why they get away with it is it falls in line with the same price as COD/Battlefield map packs. Kick in the teeth really considering we paid over £450 ($755) for it.

They charge $1 a car (10 cars a pack for $10). Iirc, that's what PD & most other developer charges for a DLC car.

So how is it a kick in the teeth or are you still bent on continuing to whine about DLC?

As for the track, extremely impressed. I had feared due to the environment it's in, that T10 may overlook the amplification of the sound as the engine notes bounce off the walls & surrounding architecture. But, they nailed it and I think this course really showcases how great the sounds are in the game, giving a real chance to hear the exhausts crackle and pop. :D
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I was able to download the update this morning, and the cars and track were all there, just like they should be. Had fun driving the 312P, Coyote and D-Type around Long Beach. Pretty please with this DLC so far.
I just got the update prompt and it's now installing. Make sure you quit out of the game and then try reloading.
Still waiting for my update, will try resetting my router and will try again :(

Have you tried the auto update trick? I was waiting for my update, turned on auto update and restarted my box. It worked. Quit the game before restarting your xbox. That's what I did.
The Stratos never caught my eye in the past, but its looking damn nice in FM5 for some reason.

I agree with you. When I look at it, I can't help but think, this is what the Mad magazine spies (spys?)must have driven!
That's how it's positioned during the races every year. More so when the ALMS race takes place during mid-afternoon.
If that's the case, I'm glad they finally have a legitimate reason for its placement!

So this track is simply stunning. Not only is it an absolute blast to drive, but it is by far the best looking track I've seen to date. Even the replays seem to have been given a little attention. They're not perfect, but there are more than your average number of great angles and panning shots. Everything about this track is top notch, and I finally feel as though I'm actually at a race, versus just being at a track and there are some people watching. I'm going to go as far as saying I'm glad we got this over the Ring.
Yeah, it's crazy how accurate the track is. Great job by T10.

Have you tried the auto update trick? I was waiting for my update, turned on auto update and restarted my box. It worked. Quit the game before restarting your xbox. That's what I did.
I turned auto update and resume games off anfd on a couple of times between restarts, also changed power off mode to energy saving but no change.

I just now got a message telling me Long Beach is here and to go to http://bit.ly/FM5_Long_Beach but no update.

[EDIT] Just checked my tracks and it had downloaded over night... whoops. @Hoodboi thanks for the tips.
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Long Beach is STUNNING! I can't understand those that say they don't see next gen (FM5), I have to believe they must be running on a smaller display as on a 55" flat panel you can easily see the graphical improvements.

As for the car pack, the best group I have ever seen (FM4/5); based on my preferences (love open cockpit). I haven't bought any additional cars yet for FM5 but this is one DLC pack I can't resist.
My TV is a six-year-old 37" 1080p set and Forza 5 looks next-gen, so to say otherwise is peculiar.
Even more peculiar is the size of the TV and its resolution have toss all to do with anything in this regard.

The graphics engine and API on the other hand do.