So I've lurked around for a few years, ever since GT5
rologue was announced. I figured since I'm probably going to be using this site a lot more once GT5 is finally released (My friends constantly make fun of me as I keep waiting after, what, like a dozen delays? lol. Still loyal through the whole thing though! Just kinda annoyed...) I might as well sign up! I've been playing GT ever since GT2 came out while I was in middle school... I've gotten all golds in the S-license, I've done multiple 24hr endurance races (that's how I spend my summer! haha), I think I've pretty much beaten GT4 (my ps2 mysteriously broke a couple years ago and my PS3 is an 80gig) but I really can't remember, just like GTA I probably have to do some mundane challenge or something. I've been waiting and waiting for GT5 to come out and I'm really hoping that I can get in a couple 24hr endurance races over winter break... We'll see.