Great shots, I do like the one in the yellow Tulip, nice subtle blend of tones between the colour of the frog and the flower.
That red one is really rich.
Great shots dude 👍.
The color transition and combination on both are extraordinary.
The red one is my favorite, the frog seems so majestic. Kind of personifies the frog has a king sitting in his throne. 👍
Awesome shots dude. Really cool 👍 I think the yellow works better as a standalone shot with good composition and fantastic colour. The red one is good as well, but works better together with the yellow as a set. Very artistic pp as well, i love them both.
Oh these look like they are going to be godd, can't wait for the rest of the shots, as I love the colour on the first one.
Good stuff
Great detail and rich colours. I really dig this current pp style you have going. 👍
Holy vibrant colors Batman! I agree with everyone else, I can't wait to see them. Your pictures look really great, especially that re-edit of the open wheel car. It's amazing what a few adjustments can do.
Everything is perfect !!!Can’t wait to see the whole update 👍
Yep, first one of the F430 spells 'pro' to me. 👍
Nope - keep the track level on that one, the slant on the car adds to the dynamic impact.
How do you do it?
Amazing as always, Longbow 👍.
That shot is amazing, LongbowX. Great job! 👍
I love the slightly de-saturated look of the first shot. And the composition of the second shot is cool. The dark tone to the shot works well too 👍
Good stuff, I like the 'gritty' look of the second one, really draws out a feeling of the end of a long race.
Great shots as always. Liking the second one very much. 👍
The second picture is absolutely brilliant, even if it's a little dark for my taste, I know that is the intention overall, I'd just like to see more detail on the car. Graining is exceptional, though. Very nice.
EDIT: Forget what I said, it was my monitor. I saw it in a properly calibrated screen and it is awesome. Perfect (: In fact, can I have it BIG? like REAL big?
The Ferrari, and both pictures of the Ford GT-R pictures are amazing. My favorite is the last of the Ford GT-R set. 👍