Looking for a full set of Scorpion gear, or...

  • Thread starter Flynn77
United States
St. Ann, MO
...a wide selection of #1's, both helms and suits.

Let me know what you'd like in return. I have a pretty decent selection of mattes, chromes, and colorshifts, I do b-spec remote racing, and might be able to offer a rare car or two (although probably not 0/0 or 0/0/0). :)
...a wide selection of #1's, both helms and suits.

Let me know what you'd like in return. I have a pretty decent selection of mattes, chromes, and colorshifts, I do b-spec remote racing, and might be able to offer a rare car or two (although probably not 0/0 or 0/0/0). :)

Do you have OCD cars available (they are 0/0/0)?
Don't you dupe?

Maybe next OCD?

Heh, no I don't. Although I do have a USB drive, the idea doesn't really appeal to me, strangely enough. Kinda takes the fun out of it as far as I'm concerned. ;)

A '67 b-day ticket netted me a 2D and an L23 netted me a 2J on the first try. :)

It's the luck/chance that thrills me! :D
I'm starting to get the impression that I'm the only one on this board that doesn't dupe. :scared: