Looking for a song?Music 

Does anyone know the song here that starts at 1:20? It sounds a lot like Levels by Avicii, but not quite.
Which song is this?

Never mind, I found it thanks to a good friend of mine whom is a DJ.
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Not a bad song,but it's not the one I'm looking for.The guy comes at the place in a car or pick up and when he goes inside,he sit at a table and there's a bottle of hot sauce on the table.Thanks for trying. :)
Found it.Kenny Chesney - She's got it all. :-)

I know at the very least it's a Wu Tang or a Ghostface track. Anyone know what it is?

EDIT: Thanks to the power of Shazam, I found that it's 'One' off Supreme Clientele.
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Edit: Found it by accident. :lol:
I'm a similar sentiment to post #1386. If you'd left your query in place and added the answer in your edit, it would've made for a more interesting read & given the rest of us an opportunity to discover some music we perhaps wouldn't otherwise have heard.
Okay I have been puzzled by this one for quite some time now. I heard it in American Eagle back in April and I heard it again at Walmart on Friday.

I am not sure what the name of it is or who it is by, but it's somewhat fast paced and I think the chorus goes "oooh I love the way you...." and that's really all I was able to understand. Done some searching and haven't had any luck. Can somebody help me out here?
I'll try to record a video of it whenever I hear it again. I almost wish I could go to Wal Mart again and just sit around and wait for it to play again. :lol:
"oooh I love the way you...."
I know a few songs that have that, or similar, line in them but your description doesn't necessarily match any of them. A quick googlefu lead me to this, though: Gabriel Antonio - I Love The Way

That's not it either. It's possible my description may not be 100% accurate, but considering I was in a big Wal Mart with a lot of people, it's not difficult to imagine why I was only able to make out a few parts. I hope maybe I will hear it again soon and then I can record a video of it because this is proving to be a pretty hard one.
Okay I have been puzzled by this one for quite some time now. I heard it in American Eagle back in April and I heard it again at Walmart on Friday.

I am not sure what the name of it is or who it is by, but it's somewhat fast paced and I think the chorus goes "oooh I love the way you...." and that's really all I was able to understand. Done some searching and haven't had any luck. Can somebody help me out here?
How about this?
Are you sure it wasn't "like"?
It wasn't that one. However the pace was not too far off from how this one is half way through the song.

How about this?
That's not it. It went faster than that.

I listened for it yesterday at Wal Mart, but I didn't hear it. I wish I knew more about this song to tell you guys. For once I actually wish I could go back into American Eagle and see if maybe i'll hear it again, and I don't even like that store....
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Found in the comments this week if you haven't already seen.

I'm glad I asked. Watched the clip on my phone but couldn't Shaman it, so I bookmarked it and forgot until I opened this thread tonight.


Many thanks!
Quite enjoyed the Lancia 037 segment on the Grand Tour. Can't seem to find the song. The one in the comments wasn't it. (At about 46 seconds into the video)