- 114
- United States
- KoldStrejke
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PSN: KoldStrejke
PSN: KoldStrejke
I do check out my league...PRO TOUR , starts Jan 2nd...im lookin for people to join...im trying to promote it. Tell your friends...Hey anyone doing a street league 500pp-600pp post it up i got 2-4 other online friends very good very clean racers.
To S.T.a.R. or Pro Tour?Add me
ok thanksI do check out my league...PRO TOUR , starts Jan 2nd...im lookin for people to join...im trying to promote it. Tell your friends...
I couldn't agree moreJoin a few. That way you have all kinds of racing options. No clubs here say that you can only race with one group. You are also welcome to come race with us too.
Not sure if you are joining us (S.T.a.R), mlb's league, or both. If you want to join us or check us out come over to our thread & take a look. Hope to hear from ya! Coachadd me PSN "L1-Cobra-1I" I'm on the East Coast. Usually online late afternoons and Weekends. Hey
mlbguy4life, is that your car in your profile pic? If so, we got the same car except I have different wheels. What year is that?
where do i sign up? Im in TRL, and will probably join STar, but would like a format like 500 to 600pp street,I do check out my league...PRO TOUR , starts Jan 2nd...im lookin for people to join...im trying to promote it. Tell your friends...