Looking for friends on PSN to compare laptimes

  • Thread starter foofiemoon
Always looking for more folk to race and compare times with, im severely lacking in that dept. as well! Again, my gamertag for anyone interested is dangerman85 ... If we have met previously, then let it be know that by gones be by gones and all that! ;)
I sent a request ages ago. Still pending?
I don't race online, but I have a go at the Online Time Trials and some qualifying lap times on the "Daily Races".

I'm waaaaaaay slower than that @Pearl Jam fella :embarrassed::lol:. If there's 10,000 lap times, I'm usually around 3,000 on the list, as a guide.

If that's your level, cutback73 is the name :D
I have been grinding Uber Dam all day long to get the Enzo and the Diablo, and even if I am a rubbish driver I would appreciate a shoulder to cry on! My name is BaggaTxips. (bag o' chips)

Edit: I suddenly realised that my current grinding is in Crew 2 rather than GTSport. However, I do play GTS every day, and friends are always nice to have.
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open for friend requests and compare laptimes. l am just barely B level, several seconds slower the the aliens. PSN: MCL1974
Psn: Tutermurat

I'm relatively new to gt sport and about to get my dr up to A.
I push first 500 from time to time if I have time to practice. And I would love to have some friends to compare myself regularly as I don't have any real life friends that play the game.
PSN - cosmicosme

Here is some general info about myself, because I think it would be nice not to be just another nametag in your timetable.

My name's Alex, I'm 28, I'm from Russia and currently live in Cyprus.

I never had a PS until this generation, so this Gran Turismo is my first. In my childhood I never really heard about any racing sims, and the only racing games I played were the likes of NFS, Flat Out and some other arcadey games.

At the beginning of this gen I played Driveclub a lot. While being kinda arcadey, it introduced me to the world of racing challenges. Time-trials, hot-lapping and online tables gave me a new incentive which I enjoyed a lot. After a year since GTS release, I got it, and now I'm here.

I don't play each week, so usually I give all I can to a couple of daily races or time trials for 5-7 days, and then I rest from it for a week or two. After that I'm back in the game.

As a point of reference, I'm currently sitting at the bottom of DR B.

Also - I love cheese and outer space.
Been playing GT Sport on and off for two years on DS4, and yo-yoing between DR B and C. I skip tracks I don't like, mainly fantasy tracks...I try to race cleanly of course.
Located in Bosnia-Herzegovina but racing under British flag because Sony sells Ps4 here but doesn't bother to put my country on the map... Lifetime McLaren fan, 42 years old...
Nick absbrain-GB feel free to add me.
PSN: rsrgse
DR: B on the verge of A

Hi there, my name is Ryan. I'm 24 years old and I'm from the US. I've been involved in and have followed various forms of motorsport for virtually my entire life but only jumped into sim racing/GT towards the end of last year. Currently using the DS4 but I'm hoping to get my hands on a G29 by year-end. I'm always trying to hang within 2% of the top ten and generally can if I've got the time to practice. I'm just looking to compare lap times and maybe hop in a race every now and again :)
PSN: DoctorNuu.

DR B looking to move up to A.
SR S unless Monza is on the calendar or system is broken:confused:
40+, Germany. Using wheel.
Looking for some driving intelligence. No PhD required;) Shoot me a request.

Actually saw you in a race or two yesterday in daily race С!

Don't remember if we were close on the track or not though, had too many races that day :lol: just sent you a request.
Greetings from Canada! A bit about me. I'm pretty new to online sim racing, just got a G29 wheel set for Christmas last year.

I am a retired navy veteran. When winter ends you can usually find me traveling somewhere on my motorcycle. Unfortunately it looks like I won't be making any long distance rides this year. I have only done a few daily races at this point. I'm still learning the tracks/cars and working on my qualification times.

I've sent out a few friend requests from this thread so far. Thanks to those who have added me already.

Stay well everyone!

PSN: Weeble360
PSN: Rosty_14

I’m relatively new to GT Sport (GT in general), I have around 2 months playing and starting to have confidence to try some daily races, similar as @Weeble360 learning the tracks/cars. Looking to have some fun and learn in the process.

Open for friend requests. Thanks
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PSN: Rikki_GTR

Long-time GT player (day one), but only got GT Sport a few days ago, looking to build up my friends list.

EDIT: added a bunch of you last night :cheers:
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