Looking for Gr.1 and Gr.C Tunes, With and Without BoP

  • Thread starter Pigems


Hey guys, I’ve never done much tuning but there is an event coming up I’d like to take part in so any info on the subject would be greatly appreciated. How does tuning work with BoP? I always thought BoP reversed any tuning done back to the BoP settings? Either way, what are some good tunes for Gr.1 and Gr.C cars that’s I can start off with? Or where is a good place to find them? Thanks in advance, you guys are great. The track will be La Sarthe if that’s helps. :)
To all the wonderful tuners of GT Sport's tuning secion:
In regards to the event Pigems is talking about, it's a quick 2.4H Endurance Race at Le Mans that will be open to all Gr.1 machinery divided into three classes.

I've encouraged the participants in my event to reach out and build a team to develop the cars since BoP is on yet tuning will be unrestricted.

If any members of the GTSport Tuning community would like to be involved in helping the teams develop their cars, I'd be happy to attach their name to each entry along the lines of "(Team Name)(Car Selection) by (Tuner Name)".

I've wanted to make events that bring together the OLR and Tuner communities for awhile and I hope this can be the first of many that can do it. I'm hoping major contributors like @praiano63 @Jeje6410 @Jump_Ace and @shmogt as well as any other Tuners who are up for the challenge would be willing to get involved.

To emphasize: I'm not expecting anyone to compete if they don't want to, just to help the participants set up their cars and challenge yourselves to see how your tunes face off against one another.
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When is the event, link? I can't really say I'll be able to help, my free time is always up in the air, but it sounds like a great idea!

When is the event, link? I can't really say I'll be able to help, my free time is always up in the air, but it sounds like a great idea!


Any help at all would be much appreciated, even if you’ve just got old tunes kicking around. :cheers:

I’ll be driving a Class C car, so any info at all that I can get on those would be awesome. Even if it’s just guidelines on tuning them. Thanks very much for your time. :)
When is the event, link? I can't really say I'll be able to help, my free time is always up in the air, but it sounds like a great idea!

The Event is in my Signature and will be June 15th, the weekend before Le Mans, so quite a bit of time out. I wanted to make sure everyone had plenty of time to test and develop their cars.

Tire and Fuel modifiers were just finalized today and will be x2 Tires and x3 Fuel.

/Hijacking Pigems thread
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Oh nice. IMO that is one of the best indicators for a well run series, the more time you give people the better 👍

I'll go say hi in the race thread :)

Oh nice. IMO that is one of the best indicators for a well run series, the more time you give people the better 👍

I'll go say hi in the race thread :)

Well the fact that it was a tuning enabled meant I'd have to have plenty of time if I wanted anyone to show up. Plus I needed enough time to make sure all the settings were sorted.
Im running a Gr.C car as well. I would like some idea on sensible Diff settings for Group C cars. Can anyone help?

I'll try not to copy the notes from GTS, but essentially, if you want the car to have strong oversteer, increase the Acceleration Sensitivity. Personally, I find it gets in the way of everything else (other car settings), so I tend to tone it down. Ideally, set it to the limit where the car stops giving you too much oversteer; sometimes that could be 20 (FF Cars), sometimes 5 (OP MR/RR cars). This has the strongest effect of all the LSD options.

Braking sensitivity comes to life when you are in the braking zone. If the weight your car isn't centered, you'll feel the car wiggle and tend to slide one way. Making this stronger will help stabilize the car in the zone, but hinder its ability to turn in while you trail brake (braking late into a turn). For GR.1 cars it's not as extreme as they tend to have good downforce to help stabilize the car. This can work hand in hand with the Brake Balance (optional).

Initial Torque, typically is needed on FF cars where you want to help generate torque to help the car turn in. Most cars in GTS are FR/MR so a low value is pretty common I think. HTH!

Here is a brand new tune for the Porsche 962. BOP on it's 3:21,xxx racing hard tires on Le Mans at racing pace.

Porsche 962 C '88.jpg
I'll try not to copy the notes from GTS, but essentially, if you want the car to have strong oversteer, increase the Acceleration Sensitivity. Personally, I find it gets in the way of everything else (other car settings), so I tend to tone it down. Ideally, set it to the limit where the car stops giving you too much oversteer; sometimes that could be 20 (FF Cars), sometimes 5 (OP MR/RR cars). This has the strongest effect of all the LSD options.

Braking sensitivity comes to life when you are in the braking zone. If the weight your car isn't centered, you'll feel the car wiggle and tend to slide one way. Making this stronger will help stabilize the car in the zone, but hinder its ability to turn in while you trail brake (braking late into a turn). For GR.1 cars it's not as extreme as they tend to have good downforce to help stabilize the car. This can work hand in hand with the Brake Balance (optional).

Initial Torque, typically is needed on FF cars where you want to help generate torque to help the car turn in. Most cars in GTS are FR/MR so a low value is pretty common I think. HTH!

Thank you. I was actually in the right ball park with my thinking as it turns out.