Losing SR for going off track?

  • Thread starter DakotaXIII
I've never noticed it before. I get collisions yeah, but just leaving the track? How is that bad sportsmanship if it's a mistake?
I've never noticed it before. I get collisions yeah, but just leaving the track? How is that bad sportsmanship if it's a mistake?

Because the system has to register any off-track excursion as a potential track cut.
Regardless of what it stands for, the purpose of it is to make sure you don’t drive like a heathen. Safety AND sportsmanship are important to all who race. Drive like an ass IRL on a real track and you’d be black flagged by officials, and then your fellow racers would put that black flag somewhere...
I believe that the aesthetics of your driving is just as important as your pace and technique. Going off track, whatever the cause, looks bad and unprofessional. They mention this somewhat in the introduction video where they say that sportsmanship is about "looking good" on track. At least this is my own interpretation.
No the s does infact stand for sportsmanship in this game
Hmm i think they named it wrong then. Safety rating would make more sense as thats basically what it is, but i get it with the title and all. However it should still decrease by going off track.
Good sportsmanship involves safety. Looking out for your fellow man and not wreckless abandon. This sport of Racing is the sport of gentlemen, not Neanderthals. Unlike the ASSCAR version, which can be likened to rugby.
I still don't buy it. Even in professional racing, off track excursions aren't penalized unless something is gained from it. Losing places is often considered more than enough penalty for missing a braking point, additional time penalties for things that have zero effect on anyone else's race are just dumb.

Good sportsmanship involves safety. Looking out for your fellow man and not wreckless abandon. This sport of Racing is the sport of gentlemen, not Neanderthals. Unlike the ASSCAR version, which can be likened to rugby.

Haha, I dunno what racing you watch, but racers are hardly gentlemen. They have tempers just as we do, and will happily walk all over each other if they could.
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I still don't buy it. Even in professional racing, off track excursions aren't penalized unless something is gained from it. Losing places is often considered more than enough penalty for missing a braking point, additional time penalties for things that have zero effect on anyone else's race are just dumb.
This aint professional racing. Different rules aply.
It IS a gentlemen’s sport. Always has been. You don’t see Folgers coffee sponsoring ALMS or F1 do you? The upper echelon of racing is sponsored by companies of notoriety, such as Tudor, Tag Huer, amen Heineken. Same as soccer.

They are gentlemen’s sports because they came from high society (don’t group me in that), a time when common decency was generally agreed upon, and cheating your fellow would disgrace you from that society. Cutting the track intentionally IS a penalty. If you gain time with four off, the track stewards will give you a paddlin’. Simple as that.

Now, if you have an accidental off, or your off was caused by outside interference, you may not be penalized, but the track stewards may ask you to give back a position gained from it. Once again, people need to attend more races, IRL. You can’t play armchair coach your whole life.

You’ll never see any professional driver intentionally cut a corner or punt someone, even if they have a beef with them. Yes, they get dirty ON THE TRACK, but never cheat. You would too if you had millions and a career on the line.
I got dinged on qualifying. It Didn’t report a change in SR for the sector, but still got the penalty. So I figured I would ask.
You can only get time penalties for that particulary lap (and your next one may be invalidated as well). Your DR and SR will not be impacted in any way in qualifying as well as warm up.
I'm really not buying this whole 'gentleman' argument.

If you're pushing hard and trying to gain on the next place and make a mistake which leads you to go off track, I really don't see how that's bad sportsmanship. Now if you get back on track and nearly hit someone else then of course, what you did was dangerous and unsporting.

But if I'm 5 seconds away from anyone else and step out onto the grass, costing me time, I should not get a time penalty, and DEFINITELY not lose SR.

I'm not talking about taking short cuts. I mean scenarios where your mistake has actually cost you time. In real racing you only get a penalty if you leave the track and it works in your benefit, or if you created danger to other cars by rejoining recklessly.

Imagine breaking late for a hairpin. You go into the run off area, lose a few places, lose a few seconds in your time and then rejoin safely (no other cars behind you), why are we also getting a time penalty and losing SR? No real racing would do that.