Lost Kart Space - borrow glitch and DLC issues

  • Thread starter robbo6
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Welshman in Eng
Just a quick request for help, I used the borrow glitch to finally aquire the last car I needed to have every car, it all worked well as per instructions. But I noticed that I'd lost my black alpinestars suit...no biggy tho. I went to the install DLC button on the main page and I could reinstall the cars, suits and paints...but not the tracks...a tad worried I checked my tracks, Spa is fine thank GOD but I've lost Kart Space. :( not a huge issue for me as I only used it for photos, but can anyone help me get it back, if it's at all possible?
Don't tell me you used the permanent borrow glitch on version 1.00 with a savefile from version 2.01. No car is worth all that trouble, not even all cars together. You are lucky that your savefile is still working. Though I am pretty sure that your savefile is damaged already and it probably will get corrupted soon or later. The people who are using this glitch trying to defend it with everything they have and of course they say there is no risk, but those are the same people who post two days later: "Help! My savefile is corrupted!" or "I get an error message when I try to load my savefile". Anyway, I don't think there is a way to get the Kart Space back. It sounds weird that Spa is still there but the Kart Space is gone. I hope you still got a backup of your savefile BEFORE you did the permanent borrow glitch. If you still got one then use this savefile and get rid of the glitched one.
no need for the high horse. I wouldn't have to glitch if PD had the bloody Fina F1 Gtr appear more often. I can't stand this "pokemon" collection crap of GT5, just let me buy the sodding cars PD. But part from that, yeah I have about 40-50 saves backed up. So I can go back (albeit relying on them not being corrupt), but if my save does corrupt then I'm done with supporting PD and the GT series. Kaz's vision of a driving game is turning into my idea of gaming hell.
So, let me see. You are glitching, cheating or whatever you want to call it, you had a problem and now its PD or game's fault?

Not only in games but IRL, if you cheat, sooner or later you will regret it.

I got all the cars in game the hard way, and it was no that hard. Took me almost a month to find the last car, but who cares. I enjoy playing so the car eventually appears.
robbo6 if you would earn the cars in the game the honest way without glitching =(cheating the system) you wouldn't have a problem. Glitching is what is wrong with the game people wanting everything in the game now without earning it.
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Erm no...now listen children and concentrate I'll say this once.

Because I wished to acquire the Fina BMW F1 GTR, I saw it ONCE when I didn't have enough money for it "it'll appear again" I said to myself....so I checked the UCD and OCD every day...and guess what...the damn poxy car did not turn up.

THAT is why I resorted to a glitch, If the damn game had a decent way of buying the standards instead of the god awful mess that is the UCD then I would have been able to simply buy the car normally.

this is the ONLY time I've glitched and it was the last car I needed after a good chap here on GTP traded me the other 5 cars I needed for completion.

so....GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSES. You lot know NOTHING how I'm playing the game so don't make ASSumptions.

Clio182 I had been trying to get the car for about NINE months, so a bit more than your measly ALMOST a month.....so I ran out of patience. sheesh.
no need for the high horse. I wouldn't have to glitch if PD had the bloody Fina F1 Gtr appear more often. I can't stand this "pokemon" collection crap of GT5, just let me buy the sodding cars PD. But part from that, yeah I have about 40-50 saves backed up. So I can go back (albeit relying on them not being corrupt), but if my save does corrupt then I'm done with supporting PD and the GT series. Kaz's vision of a driving game is turning into my idea of gaming hell.

A gaming hell is Need for Speed. A driving game with actual meaning of cars is GT5.

Kaz's vision of a driving game is GT5, and if yours isn't, what the gaming hell are you doing here.

''if my save does corrupt then I'm done with supporting PD and the GT series.''

Thats your PS3 corrupting the save.

''I wouldn't have to glitch if PD had the bloody Fina F1 Gtr appear more often.''

I stopped playing Need For Speed Shift because of what you want. I got access to all fully tuned cars and it was more boring then watching the cars paint dry. There must be something to keep you playing and a ''Fina F1 Gtr'' for free is not.
A gaming hell is Need for Speed. A driving game with actual meaning of cars is GT5.

Kaz's vision of a driving game is GT5, and if yours isn't, what the gaming hell are you doing here.

''if my save does corrupt then I'm done with supporting PD and the GT series.''

Thats your PS3 corrupting the save.

''I wouldn't have to glitch if PD had the bloody Fina F1 Gtr appear more often.''

I stopped playing Need For Speed Shift because of what you want. I got access to all fully tuned cars and it was more boring then watching the cars paint dry. There must be something to keep you playing and a ''Fina F1 Gtr'' for free is not.

seriously...what the HELL are you on......I HAVE the money for the damn car it doesn't bloody turn up.

I cheated to get the car because the games system for getting standards is bloody awful.
If it showed up once, it'll show up again. It seems that acquiring patience should be of greater priority than a car though.
If you have every car in the game than why was having the last one (now) so much of a big deal. Good things come for those who are patience and wait.

Got to love the younger generation. Its all about me, I want it now, I don't want to work for it, Give it to me now damit. lol
So you used a glitch that is known to have problems...and when said problem happened to you you come crying to the forum about it?

Hmmm seems logical enough:dunce: I have had the same type of discussions with my son when he got busted cheating. He is 8:idea:
NINE MONTHS?????? and you say I havn't been patient....PLUS it's one of my favourite cars.

effing hell, you lot are a real swell bunch of guys you know that, real good guys that think nothing of kicking someone when he's down....BIG thumbs up to you, have a swig of High horse brew on me boys, you REALLY deserve it, oh and have some big pats on the back too. Now go off and laugh like the gir...I mean big strong boys you are.
@Robbo6 - Should have got yourself a level 23 ticket from the marketplace. Way easier and way safer.
I agree with most of the people here, glitching isn't good. You've made your bed, now lie in it.:sly:

Nobodys fault but your own.
Leave Kaz alone.:grumpy:

Edit -
Erm no...now listen children and concentrate I'll say this once.

Because I wished to acquire the Fina BMW F1 GTR, I saw it ONCE when I didn't have enough money for it "it'll appear again" I said to myself....so I checked the UCD and OCD every day...and guess what...the damn poxy car did not turn up.

THAT is why I resorted to a glitch, If the damn game had a decent way of buying the standards instead of the god awful mess that is the UCD then I would have been able to simply buy the car normally.

this is the ONLY time I've glitched and it was the last car I needed after a good chap here on GTP traded me the other 5 cars I needed for completion.

so....GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSES. You lot know NOTHING how I'm playing the game so don't make ASSumptions.

Clio182 I had been trying to get the car for about NINE months, so a bit more than your measly ALMOST a month.....so I ran out of patience. sheesh.

He angry. :scared:

Serves you right for glitching though. I know many people do it on here but I hate it. Cars are rare in this game for a reason along with the 1 mil trade limit. Play the game the way your supposed to and things like this won't happen (probably).
Well the solution might be to load an old save from before you got the last car.
Entertaining thread . 👍

I don't agree with borrow glitching for any reason . All cars will appear at some point anyway.
I can't stand this "pokemon" collection crap of GT5...
You've collected , and indeed " Pokemoned " , your way to collecting all the cars in GT but now you claim to hate it ?
This is the ONLY time I've glitched...
Hmm , i'm having trouble believing that since you made this thread - https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=186421 in February , stating in your OP -
Those who got around the games broken economy by exploiting the save game are not ALL cheaters and kids. I resent that lazy labeling immensely. The games economy is a joke, it's so awful it's unbelievable how wrong PD have got it.

I don't believe it was your first borrow glitch , but that's just my opinion . 👍
PD will not let my favorite car of all time the Fina F1 Gtr to appear more often so I will show them and I will glitch it for free. Well I guess you showed them oh wait a minute or did they show you.

By the way I waited 10 months for the VW Nardo to show up to get it.

robbo6 what we are all trying to say to you is you did something to get the car that isn't part of the game and you payed a price for it. So don't post on here and blame pd for your problem, it was your decision, you made it, now you will have to live with it.
seriously...what the HELL are you on......I HAVE the money for the damn car it doesn't bloody turn up.

I cheated to get the car because the games system for getting standards is bloody awful.

No it isn't, it's called a used car dealership and nobody ever asked to buy a used car out of nothing. Especially not a racing car. Be glad you CAN obtain it in the used, and not only from the online. If you don't bother to collect cars, why did you even buy GT5 as its a car loving game?
Clio182 I had been trying to get the car for about NINE months, so a bit more than your measly ALMOST a month.....so I ran out of patience. sheesh.

A day, a month, 9 long months, I think it doesn't matter. Just play the game.

You just pay the price of doing something the wrong way.
Ahh, the permanent borrow glitch (sponge glitch) is the problem why you lost the Kart Space. There is another guy at the Playstation forum with the same problem. :lol:

@OP: I think your only fix is to use a gamesave before you borrow glitched the car. The problem is most likely in your gamesave.

If you don't have a older backup, then you might be screwed, lol. Hope they don't fix it, the borrow glitch is a 🤬 for everyone who got the cars legit from trading or ticket grinding. :D


I "handbag" people in real life when they get whiney (with an imaginary handbag!) , never seen it done online before. Nice one!

To Robbo6:
If you try and cheat the system, you can't really complain when it goes wrong.

I was thinking about doing this glitch to get the 2J when I heard about it, but decided against it as I didn't want to risk anything going wrong. Also the car wouldn't have meant anything to me if I had cheated to get it. Sure enough, it turned up eventually.

You only cheat yourself in the end.

Entertaining thread . 👍

I don't agree with borrow glitching for any reason . All cars will appear at some point anyway.

You've collected , and indeed " Pokemoned " , your way to collecting all the cars in GT but now you claim to hate it ?
Hmm , i'm having trouble believing that since you made this thread - https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=186421 in February , stating in your OP -

I don't believe it was your first borrow glitch , but that's just my opinion . 👍

By pokemon, I mean the RARE stuff that hardly ever turns up. If I have the cash which I have endured the god awful Aspec racing to aquire I want to be able to spend it how I want...comprende?

I've never used this glitch before, I used the save game glitch and a duplicate account a few times when I was low on dosh (before the HUGE payouts in the seasonals). Which I wouldn't have done if I could have just gone to a dealer and bought a car. The ONLY reason I've used the occasional exploit is because acquiring standards in the game is BUNK.
No it isn't, it's called a used car dealership and nobody ever asked to buy a used car out of nothing. Especially not a racing car. Be glad you CAN obtain it in the used, and not only from the online. If you don't bother to collect cars, why did you even buy GT5 as its a car loving game?

I don't want to buy a used car out of nothing....are you capable of understanding that?? I fear you cannot for reasons beyond me. It NEVER turned up, after months and months and months of just seeing cars with ticks that I already owned.

I bought GT5, becuase I LOVED the other games.....GT5 is crap in comparison, it's a cheap hooker with makeup trowelled on to look nice, yet underneath the (false) pretty exterior is a rancid slut. Almost EVERY thing I liked about the previous GTs Kaz has removed or changed for the worse.

And do you know what, PD and you lot can kiss my arse, because I'm never getting GT6 and will not recommend it to my father in law (who only bought a PS3 for GT5), or my two brother in laws...that's right I generated 3 extra sales of GT5 and that's it no more Unless PD and Kaz get off their arses and fix the **** of this game I'm done with it.

And I'm NOT bitching about the glitch, I'm bitching that the games car buying system is so crap I felt I had to resort to exploiting the game just to get a fecking car. So I lost money, real money and you lot are dancing and holering and joking and laughing.....yeah....nice people you lot.......or really nasty pieces of work for laughing at someone who lost money......cheers.
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