Lostprophets atrocityMusic 

Sick bastard.

You might want to put a warning on that link as it contains a graphic description.
You might want to put a warning on that link as it contains a graphic description.

Good idea, sorry to even ruin anyone's day with such vileness, but I figured anyone who might have listened to that band should know about it
I actually used to listen to Lostprophets quite regularly however this story hit pretty hard. Pretty much rid myself of their music on my playlists and computer straight away; I know it's just music and what the members do outside of being a band is somewhat exclusive to that, but Watkins is just a disgusting individual and he's getting what he deserves.
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Sheesh I actually just read what this guy had done more specifically... Sheesh, he's really stuffed in the head.

One of the most disgusting things is the fact that he got other people in on it. Fans of the music. Now that is stuffed up.
I thought it was just a 1-off incident he was getting done for. Didn't realise how disturbing the story was.
I have never wanted to throw up after reading a news article- until now. I'm going to have some serious trouble going to sleep tonight.

Who the 🤬 would even think of doing such an atrocious act.
Read about that a year ago I think. I erased the only song I had by them "To hell we Ride". Sucks because I loved that song. I don't want anything to do with them on my iPod or phone.