Lots of cars available - plenty of 0/0/0

  • Thread starter kingcars
Scottish's 2nd XFR will be arriving in a couple of hours.

Great ticket will be sent after GMT reset!
Tomorrow's trade has been canceled, so it is open either for spikey or someone else who would like to do a trade.
Jag #2 sent to Scottish

Thanks I'll be sending ticket in a few hours! Would it be possible for me to have a third jag XFR? If so what would you want? Another 23/24 or something else?
Tickets: 1,5,7,8,12,15,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,1000,1967
I've sent the 24! Would you like anything for a 3rd XFR?
Got it, thanks! I wouldn't mind getting another level 23 ticket.

Great! I'll send a 23 tomorrow GMT then! When can you send XFR?
Sounds good. My next available send date will be Tuesday if that works for you.

That's great!
1: 0/0/0
2: partially tuned(no permanent mods)
3: fully tuned

I don't think I'll need a 4th but you never know!!!!!
Just completed a trade for all of the 1983-1988 Thunderbird museum cards. One more thing checked off the list. TVR Speed 12 added to my wants.
If you want a 0/0/0 Speed 12 instead of the 23 then just say!