Lotus Evora Cup - Hotlap Leaderboard at Fuji 550

  • Thread starter Synwraith
1'51.729 | timeattack tune - GTP_timeattack (replay saved)

Came up with my own tune and was able to shave some more time off 👍 The funny part is, it was my first lap in freerun and I was drinking a beer on the way down the straight without any intentions of putting in a PB :lol: A 51.5xx seems within reach, as my sector three on that run was far from ideal 👍

Nice lap TA. 👍 I had a few tries earlier, I was ahead a good few times, but always lost it somewhere. :ouch: Nothing gained but anger. :)
Damn Evora hot lap,Its like a scab that you just have to pick at:yuck:.You pick at it untill it gives you a bit more,which i did and low and behold a new time.Think ill leave some for tomorrow:sly:

Theewar, nice racing with ya the other night. I'll give this hotlap thing a try, I'm at least a second off your lap.
Damn Evora hot lap,Its like a scab that you just have to pick at:yuck:.You pick at it untill it gives you a bit more,which i did and low and behold a new time.Think ill leave some for tomorrow:sly:


Great time Warren, it's just like the old Evora hotlap disease come back to haunt you :lol:

All the best
1'52.166 - GTP_rpm - Own tune.

I thought it was a bad thing when I turned my PS off last night without saving the tune. The bits I forgot were obviously the bits I was doing wrong. Lol
Great race event! I like the car, heres my time, done with a controller

1'54.281| Hyper/Ren-Tec - GTP_monoha 👍
Anyone else noticed faster times in the race, even when out upfront?

Would've been nice if we could include them :P
Yea, I've noticed this along with a few others. With the past tunes I've used (DC, hyper/rentec), I usually found that I was about a tenth or so quicker in a race vs. freerun. It seems like my latest set-up performs better in free-run for some reason though. I haven't really had that much time to test it in racing conditions though, so I can't say for sure 👍
Does anyone elses scenery LAG badly at the bottom hairpin? It puts me off sometimes so much I completely can't tell the trajectory of my car!

I've also noticed that drivers with long online names, obstruct some of my braking markers :(
I've also noticed that drivers with long online names, obstruct some of my braking markers :(

That's why I use the racing line at Fuji. Helps to determine my braking points, since they are often obstructed by the drivers tags as you mentioned. T
Tried some laps earlyer and improved my time to 1.51.996 still DC tune:)

My T2 time was 0.59.1 so there is alot to improve in final section..
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Tried some laps earlyer and improved my time to 1.51.996 still DC tune:)

My T2 time was 0.59.1 so there is alot to improve in final section..

I'm getting T2s of 59.3 and finishing with very high 1'52s. As usual I am losing everything in the last 2 corners. I hate them so much.

All the best
Maz...updating leaderboard
I'm so far off the pace that I won't even post a time.

Seems like half the time is spent waiting for the front to turn in
I'm so far off the pace that I won't even post a time.

Seems like half the time is spent waiting for the front to turn in

I've got way more issues with oversteer in this car killing my laptime in the last few corners.

I started off way down as well, like 1'54s/55s. After a few races you start to chip away at that. I'm regularly in the 52s now and haven't even decided which tune I'm happiest with.

I just wish someone could post a fully annotated, frame by frame tutorial on how to take those blasted last corners on Fuji.


All the best
I've got way more issues with oversteer in this car killing my laptime in the last few corners.

I started off way down as well, like 1'54s/55s. After a few races you start to chip away at that. I'm regularly in the 52s now and haven't even decided which tune I'm happiest with.

I just wish someone could post a fully annotated, frame by frame tutorial on how to take those blasted last corners on Fuji.


All the best

:lol: I can have ago later but may not be to much help! What tune are you using Maz? And what is your brake balance?

Do you find the end comes around under braking for those last few turns?

:lol: I can have ago later but may not be to much help! What tune are you using Maz? And what is your brake balance?

Do you find the end comes around under braking for those last few turns?


You're a star mate 👍

Yes the back end does start to come around most times when turning/braking/lifting off to get to apex etc. Should I be moving my brake balance further backwards then? I think it's 6/4 at the moment.

I will post the tune I'm using as soon as I'm home, I can't remember as I was switching between them so rapidly.

All the best
I've got way more issues with oversteer in this car killing my laptime in the last few corners.

I started off way down as well, like 1'54s/55s. After a few races you start to chip away at that. I'm regularly in the 52s now and haven't even decided which tune I'm happiest with.

I just wish someone could post a fully annotated, frame by frame tutorial on how to take those blasted last corners on Fuji.


All the best

Maz, I will post a replay on Sunday if that helps you any 👍 I don't want to post it right now, as it may give RPM some tips on how to take me down in our race on Sunday :sly: hehe.

Those last few corners are probably my favorite in the game though 👍 In order to be quick through there you must have an especially good feel for the car, as it takes a lot of fine adjusting and inputs to nail your apex perfectly. It also helps to have a good set-up that allows the rear end to rotate nicely when you're off throttle. For me I use the the rear of the car to help steer and find my apex through the last two corners, as my set-up has a nice trail throttle oversteer attribute that allows the rear to rotate a fair amount when trailing off the throttle, so that I can hit the apex sooner and get on the gas earlier as well. It doesn't sacrifice much if any on power traction though which is quite nice...nor does it scrub excessive speed while in the slip angle...it's just a nice smooth rotation that helps rid of any understeer.

I was trying to beat my .729 yesterday but kept failing miserably...haven't driven the car for a few days :indiff:. It seems like I got a near perfect drive out of the last turn on that run, so I'm going to have to go up by a fair amount to have a good chance of beating that time :ouch: I'll try again today to get into the .6xx's, as the 3rd corner to the last on my .729 run was a rather bad example if you're trying to pick up some tips.

BTW, it would help to post your tune, as I have a good idea of exactly what does what with this car. This car sure likes some weird set-ups in order to be fast :lol:
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Improved to 1'52.655. Yay. Threw a nice 0.2 away in that lap in one corner.

Here's the tune:

kg 86%
tyres S2/S2
ride height -25/-27
spring rate 2/5
damper 5/5
toe -0.06/+0,01
camber 1.7/1.4
brake balance 5/6
max turning angle 40
traction control off
abs 1
1st gear 3.000
2nd gear 1.756
3rd gear 1.240
4th gear 0.942
5th gear 0.818
6th gear 0.698

All the best
ARRRGHHH....just went 2 tenths up on my 1'51.729 by sector 2, then managed to completely lose everything at the damn chicane. My sector 2 time was 58.9xx. On my most recent lap I went up .05-.1 by the last corner and hit the red curbing on the exit which threw me out of line and caused me to lose a bunch of momentum...did a .734 that lap.

I can't string anything together to save my life! Don't know if I'll even waste my time attempting that .6xx-.5xx anymore...

Maz: I'll send you my tune on Sunday 👍 Gotta keep it classified until my race with RPM is over :lol:
ARRRGHHH....just went 2 tenths up on my 1'51.729 by sector 2, then managed to completely lose everything at the damn chicane. My sector 2 times was 58.9xx. On my most recent last lap I went up .05-.1 by the last corner and hit the red curbing on the exit which threw me out of line and caused me to lose a bunch of momentum...did a .734 that lap.

I can't string anything together to save my life! Don't know if I'll even waste my time attempting that .6xx-.5xx anymore...

Quit whingeing and try again. Pull yourself together man :lol:

All the best
1'51.980 - *Rentec/hyper tune - GTP_PASM (replay saved)

:dopey: wee finally in the '51s :) Still room for improvement though.
No wonder you have over-steer maz.

Usually I raise the rear end to give it more rear end stability, or I increase the rear toe to give it more stability, particularly under braking.


P.s. hotlaps is something I haven't got the pateince for. I can spend a maximum of an hour at it...before I believe it becomes a lottery...waiting for the right time to appear in the top of your screen when you cross the line.