LS Car Shows 3/19 Suvs and Trucks meet

  • Thread starter soloaded
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Build a bridge and get over it. What do you want out of this argument? It won't change anything.

Next time, if there even is a next time, 'ShootDaTyres' before the meet.
LOL, you guys are the ones kicking me from the lobby? The meet hadn't even started so it was before the meet? I just don't see how its fair that everyone was jumping/on a car at some point at the start and I get pinged for it? and for doing my tyres from a safe distance? me popping my tyres have no affect on you all.
Not going to be able to make it today. The weekday evening meets suit my schedule better.
Won't make it either. Got homework and then working on my car. As KM stated, the weekday meetups are better suited for my schedule.
Themed/categorized car show meets/crew
2. Safe meets no b.s or kicked
3. Meet up chill ,talk , take photos etc. No trouble no cops.

Will be dissussed on thread

Mirror Park , East Vinewood

1st Theme:
Low and slow (lower vehicles)) no more then 6inches off the ground)

Crew info
A dedicated crew for gta players who love cars,car show and the typical cruise.
leave social club name and ill add you

IM in Social Club- bradizfrmja
A @ShootDaCar your the immature one who can't handle the rules , can't stop whining , crying to members , trying to get unknowns to vouch for you , like @SVX said get over it. If the meet hasn't started I wouldn't have cared but you did your business during the cruise part. Can't you read we you was giving a chance and yet you dnt see it and whine and cry , also acting like you did the stuff on accident when we all know how to play. This is my last post considering you don't like Idgaf you and you post I have more members applying everyday
If I've done my time zone conversions correctly, it'll be up in the next hour or so?

EDIT: Just read the post below, I'll see you lot there.
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Jdm Meet

I'll have a crew session open prior 30 mins of meet so first come first serve
Where I am parked find me on map

12:00 pm p.s.t 1/25

Vehicle List:
Maibatsu Penumbra
Karin Sultan
Karin Futo
Bollokan Prairie
Zirconium Stratum
Vulcan Ingot
Karin Intruder
Karin Asterope
Déclassé Premier
Dinka Blista
Bravado Youga
Imponte Ruiner
Elegy Rh8

Note: some vehicles aren't jdm but on the list surely meets the theme,remember only the listed cars this meet.

Details: normal meet, take photos , drink, smoke ,chat ,then cruise to Ls ,pit stop at Ls customs, then down to the docks for the last location to take final photos , drift around ,if any b.s I will kick you instantly meaning police,shooting or any misbehavior and bounty killing.

No jumping on cars ,this is not leap frog , no shooting , passive mode must be on

The after session I've made a fun playlist if you want in join

Note if you want in add me on psn I'll invite you to the crew.
I'll bring my FUTO, unless other people are bringing it. If that's the case, I'll bring a Youga.
Would the Déclassé Asea be considered "JDM?"

I don't have any of the crazy modifications on mine, though.
I miss my Asea. :(
I don't know what I'd give up for it though.
I know I miss it problem it had to be a bright color for the stickers I remember yours yellow and then you duping it for me, I also miss ours lol
Gonna make a prison bus demo derby for after the cruise , ill be checking the thread after I make that ill open up a room , once my psn comments says room up your welcome to join remember crew session so LSCS will be your active crew to enter
I really don't think I'll be able to juggle any more clubs. You can remove me from this, since I won't be able to join lobbies that often. I'll be busy with WHaT and Ameer's GT6 club, and what's left of LS4X4. Sorry.
Hey guys can I join this looks interesting
Psn GTP_Dano89
Are the meets every Saturday
Since the failed previous attempts to hold car shows, this does look more organised with some good people. I'll come along to some meets, but time zones will be a huge pain. I can come along to ones that are at a half decent GMT time i.e. weekends, but those at Stupid o'clock GMT are a no-no for me.
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