Luck is relative.
Sometimes people do have bad luck without being at fault. It's what you make of it afterwards.
The last 6 years, I went through two major clinical depressions with daily nervous breakdowns.
Now that I'm much better, I consider these depressions as something that I had to go through to get rid off my chronic depressions and emotionally instabillity, I was suffering from for years. I'm a much better person than I was before (emotionally). So I don't consider myself to be unlucky because I was sick for many years. I consider myself to be lucky to go through these ordeals and gotten better.
It's a personal opinion and I hope I won't get negative comments like I had many times a few years ago; e.g.: you're stupid disease; you're an emo, you're a moron etc... .
Well - it's been quite some time since you posted that - and there have been no negative comments so your luck must be holding out.

Or the staff must be doing a really good jib around here!
However - when I first read your post (sometime back - never did get a chance to respond) I found it very insightful - and a great contribution to this discussion. 👍
Sometimes - it's a matter of perpective, isn't it?
It's been too dang long since I "got lucky" on a date.
You bring up an interesting point,
BobK (as always, with that self-confessed lack of empathy, you see things unadultrated by over-extended emotion) because - first of all - are you some kind of sex-maniac,

or what? You get 'lucky' on a date
only if it's the
third date - there should be no such 'lucky' things happening on the first date. In fact, getting 'lucky' on the
first date will probably end in a one-night-stand.

But, here's the point -
the word 'lucky' applied to this situation. Why? What does it mean to get 'lucky', if one ends up doing what Nature intended you do as a priority (if not
the priority) in life - reproduce yourself.
Obviously we are wired to get terribly happy while indulging in this act - but here's the connection - if I trace the word (or mayhaps 'concept') of 'luck' way back into the past - in fact, if I grab ahold of a Norseman and ask him what 'luck' meant, he'd say
'happ' - because that is what
happ means in Norse basically.
So Happiness = Luck. (Or vice versa, depending on where you are standing.)
To address your 'unlucky' situation though, is easy. Make sure that your dates know the rule: Third time = Lucky.
Therefore . . . if they
do go out on a third date with you - then they
know the rules, and they know
you know the rules, and they also know that you know
they know the rules . . . which means if they are out there with you on your third date . . a trip to the Chemists is in order.
In other words you are going to be very . . . well, either Lucky or Happy.