mabey just dumb

  • Thread starter wudy201
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United States
im on open lobby and mabey im just slow but what is a hacked car and what does it mean when the room says cops 75mph and similar
im on open lobby and mabey im just slow but what is a hacked car and what does it mean when the room says cops 75mph and similar

Hacked car: Exactly as it sounds. A car that has been modified outside of the game (The methods on how to do this are NOT allowed to be discussed on GTPlanet). Hacking allows you to swap different engines into cars, as well as new suspensions, transmissions, chassis, and removing some parts like spoilers and bumpers on a few cars.

Cops lobbies: Exactly as it sounds. A few players act as civilians and drive their cars around the track at the speed limit (Whatever it may be). Some can choose to be street racers. The other group is the police. The job of the police is to stop the speeding/erratically driving players. When you get stopped you receive a "ticket". Usually, the maximum amount of tickets you receive are three. After three tickets, you may be asked to change your car to another one you own. Sometimes, the host will tell you to switch to the 1968 Fiat 500 F as punishment for misbehaving. Repeated misbehavior will generally result in you getting kicked from the lobby.
Hacked car: Exactly as it sounds. A car that has been modified outside of the game (The methods on how to do this are NOT allowed to be discussed on GTPlanet, because the people who run this place have respect for the game and the other people who love to play it.). Hacking allows those with no morals to swap different engines into cars, as well as new suspensions, transmissions, chassis, and removing some parts like spoilers and bumpers on a few cars. As sad and pathetic as these hackers are, few if any of them feel any remorse.

As for the cop lobbies, I’ve never been in one and I try to avoid them.

Please note parts of this post are hybrided with another post.
Cops lobbies: Exactly as it sounds. A few players act as civilians and drive their cars around the track at the speed limit (Whatever it may be). Some can choose to be street racers. The other group is the police. The job of the police is to stop the speeding/erratically driving players. When you get stopped you receive a "ticket". Usually, the maximum amount of tickets you receive are three. After three tickets, you may be asked to change your car to another one you own. Sometimes, the host will tell you to switch to the 1968 Fiat 500 F as punishment for misbehaving. Repeated misbehavior will generally result in you getting kicked from the lobby.

:lol::dopey: Really? That's the deal with those lobbies. OK I'm trying my best to rap my head around this without 🤬 on myself from laughter. The lobbies are opened to play COP, catch the bad guy or the speeder correct? The three ticket's aspect of it I got. Though kicking out someone for making to many infractions is pointless if the lobby was opened to play Cop and Robbers or Cops and Street Racers. Wouldn't it be more logical to keep the people there to continue?
im on open lobby and mabey im just slow but what is a hacked car and what does it mean when the room says cops 75mph and similar

A "Hacked Car" lobby is one that allows and encourages participation of cars that have been modified outside the gamesave, more properly known in the GT series since GT1 as "hybriding" . By advertising that hybrid cars are being used in the lobby the host is being open and honest about the use of said cars someone who doesn't like or use hybrids can avoid the lobby, and those that enjoy them can.

Cops and Robbers lobbys are for a specific way of playing the game as the title says, outside the normal game styles available in GT. Many people enjoy this and it has a loyal fan following. Other races of this type include, drag racing, cruising, drifting etc.
Please ignore one of the above posts (Not you, Johnny). I don't automatically assume that only the spawn of satan drives a Mazda Miata with a V8 swap and is slightly lower than a regular Miata.

In my previous post, I forgot to mention the good side of hybriding (aka hacking). There are many real-world cars that can now be created in GT5, when they couldn't be made before. Some examples include:

AMS Tuning Alpha Omega GT-R: A tuned Nissan GT-R that has been tuned to 1800 HP

Underground Racing (UGR) Gallardo: A 2,000 HP Lamborghini Gallardo

Hennessey Venom GT: A car that is based off the Lotus Exige with a 1,200 HP Corvette LS9 V8 and can hit 265 MPH in two miles.

eCobra: A Shelby Cobra replica which has been stripped of its V8 and replaced with an electric engine. It's a really cool car if you're into electric cars.

Monster Miata: A Mazda Miata (Usually an NA Miata) that has a V8 engine instead of an I-4.

Super Fiat 500: This one may seem downright insane, but there are actually Fiat 500s (ones from the '60s) with Lamborghini V12s, Ferrari V8s, and a Porsche Flat-6.

These are realistic mods. An unrealistic mod would be a Honda Civic with 3,000+ horsepower and its wheels sticking out of the body by two feet that can hit 300 MPH at Special Stage Route X. I don't see the problem with people using realistic mods as long as they don't try to ruin a race with them. Unrealistic cars are usually kicked from lobbies instantly with a good host. Unrealistic hybrids are unusually the one everyone bases their opinion on, therefore creating hybrid haters. They usually bully around people with just a small modification (IE: A Nissan Silvia S15 without a wing, or an Acura NSX that has been dramatically lowered) and try to get them booted from a lobby. Don't be a hybrid hater. Please. The GT5 Community gets enough bad rep with fanboys and all.
Please ignore one of the above posts (Not you, Johnny). I don't automatically assume that only the spawn of satan drives a Mazda Miata with a V8 swap and is slightly lower than a regular Miata.

No worries Dan, I already heeded that advice and ignored the Realistic hybriding has revived my interest in the game the last 6 months. I've driven hybrids nearly exclusively for months, no on has ever known the difference and none of them have ever given me an advantage over other good performing cars in my garage. Win all around I say:tup:👍
No worries Dan, I already heeded that advice and ignored the Realistic hybriding has revived my interest in the game the last 6 months. I've driven hybrids nearly exclusively for months, no on has ever known the difference and none of them have ever given me an advantage over other good performing cars in my garage. Win all around I say:tup:👍

And you said Dead Nuts Even is hack-proof and PP proof, right?
Hacked car: Exactly as it sounds. A car that has been modified outside of the game (The methods on how to do this are NOT allowed to be discussed on GTPlanet, because the people who run this place have respect for the game and the other people who love to play it.). Hacking allows those with no morals to swap different engines into cars, as well as new suspensions, transmissions, chassis, and removing some parts like spoilers and bumpers on a few cars. As sad and pathetic as these hackers are, few if any of them feel any remorse.

As for the cop lobbies, I’ve never been in one and I try to avoid them.

Please note parts of this post are hybrided with another post.

So, you are saying that just because I choose to use and create my own hybrid cars, for my own personal use by the way and never in an online lobby or in any Seasonal competition, that I am a sad and pathetic person with no morals? If that's the case, then you are way off base here. There are some of us that are responsible enough to use these cars in a respectable way. Not everyone who chooses to hybrid their cars is sad and pathetic, as you say. I think that maybe you need to re-think your logic. Classing all hybriders together is not only wrong, but it just shows how close-minded you are being.
My post was for the OP. Not hackers.

I merely glitch borrowed Dan’s post from above. I modded some pros, and swapped out the intent. Mine is a legitimately hybrided post.

Please ignore one of the above posts...

[dangles even more of the forbidden fruit]

I am to be ignored, as others are recruited?

It took Dan all of eleven minutes to get his post up telling the new member all that ‘hacking allows you’ to do.

Whether hackers like to admit it or not, there is a moral component to hacking.

So, you are saying that just because I choose to use and create my own hybrid cars, for my own personal use by the way and never in an online lobby or in any Seasonal competition, that I am a sad and pathetic person with no morals? If that's the case, then you are way off base here. There are some of us that are responsible enough to use these cars in a respectable way. Not everyone who chooses to hybrid their cars is sad and pathetic, as you say. I think that maybe you need to re-think your logic. Classing all hybriders together is not only wrong, but it just shows how close-minded you are being.

So your hacking is good, but other hackers are bad. You still don’t get my approval.
My post was for the OP. Not hackers.

I merely glitch borrowed Dan’s post from above. I modded some pros, and swapped out the intent. Mine is a legitimately hybrided post.

I am to be ignored, as others are recruited?

It took Dan all of eleven minutes to get his post up telling the new member all that ‘hacking allows you’ to do.

Whether hackers like to admit it or not, there is a moral component to hacking.

So your hacking is good, but other hackers are bad. You still don’t get my approval.

I'm not asking for, nor do I need your approval. You are not that important. Furthermore, you just don't get it, do you? I never said that my hacking was good and others is bad. Its not hybridding that's the problem here. It is certain people that decide to use the hybrid cars irresponsibly, ie cheating Seasonal events, online races, etc. If you would stop being so close minded about the situation, maybe you could see this. Your "holier than thou" attitude is really getting tiresome regarding this issue. Give it a rest already. Not everyone who hybrids their cars are sad and pathetic.
My post was for the OP. Not hackers.

I merely glitch borrowed Dan’s post from above. I modded some pros, and swapped out the intent. Mine is a legitimately hybrided post.

Ah ha ha ha. Hahaha. Ha-ha... Ha.[/sarcasm]

Chrunch Houston
*Ooh. Scary, evil apple.*

I am to be ignored, as others are recruited?

Yes, actually. The only time your posts need to be looked at is for comedic relief in the hybriding forums.

Chrunch Houston
Whether hackers like to admit it or not, there is a moral component to hacking.

And here you go again with the "moral" component, sounding more and more ultra-conservative *About video games* with each consecutive post.

Anyway, so a person that wants to lower their car, remove the rear wing or other part from their car, or get a better engine sound without compromising/increasing performance is bad? Your logic confuses me. There is nothing wrong with someone modifying their car when they won't ruin other people's fun.

Chrunch Houston
So your hacking is good, but other hackers are bad. You still don’t get my approval.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

He doesn't need your approval. No one needs approval from anyone to make a car fun and enjoyable. As long as they are happy with their own car, no one needs to comment on it.

Is it immoral to remove the turbo from a RUF BTR ( NA 930 ) ? :lol:

An option that should have been in the game in the first place. 👍
Hacking is wrong. I’m not going to let the new guy walk away from this thread after only hearing the hackers point of view. Anyway I have said my peace here.

Just one last thing though.

Do you guys really think, I thought Cargoratt was seeking my approval? Good greif.
Good grief.

Feel free to answer someone's question. Don't drag your views into it, especially as a handy way of insulting a swath of people by painting them all with the same narrow-minded brush. You are not judge and jury on how others play their games.

Question answered, so thread closed. If this ridiculous crusade drags another thread off-topic, infractions will result.
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