Yes, everything is hand-drawn, except the logo which I made in Flash.

This was really a nightmare to animate, hand-drawing is veeery time-consuming... even when we had 4 people drawing at the same time.
This one took almost the whole school year to make.
I don't think we'll be doing another hand-drawn animation in a while
We were in a bit of hurry when making the intro, we made it the morning the day it was going to be shown in public at a local cinema.
We had been doing sound-edit in the studio 2 weeks straight, last days we were there like from 8 AM to 2 AM.
Yea, we should have cut it better, I think we were too tired to notice that.

Those intro pictures were drawn on a crappy pencil on the night before, I just took some paper and sketched something

The intro music is a song of mine, turned backwards and slowed down.
Sounded better this way, heh.
Other tunes were made by a couple friends.
Those "metal" songs in the chase sequences are actually MIDI musics.
I think I'll use computer animation for my next work. It's at least, a bit faster.
I made this in 2 months in an art school I was going to few years back.
It was my first animated movie ever.
The characters look a bit odd, because I weren't very good at drawing people back then