Made the mistake of putting chassis reinforcements on my '69

  • Thread starter playdead
No. You just ruined the tune you previously had.
Update to a new tune, that's designed with Chassis Reinforcement and you'll be fine.
Ehhm, the tune is 🤬?
Bad day?
Forgot the oil change?
Wrong tires?
Different aids setting?
PSN-Downtime Syndrom?
Your car hates you?

Don't know...
Default down to 1:08? This car must really suck with a controller then.

The car understeers heavily with the default tune and chassis reinforcement installed, never bothered to try it without the chassis reinforcement so I don't know if there is a huge difference there. However, the one rule that rear anti-roll bar should be higher than front to force oversteer doesn't seem to apply this car. Increasing both stabilizers and especially the front actually seems to make it corner much better. I'm guessing that is because it is nose heavy so it needs more support up front.
I think the default set up is good all the way down to mid 1:08's at Deep Forest.

In the time I've spent following tuning threads in here, I've found that comparing my laps to 'Adrenaline laps' is similar to comparing my age to my pet dogs age. I find that if I add two or three seconds to 'Adrenaline laps' I get a lap time goal that is much closer to 'human lap time' lol
In the time I've spent following tuning threads in here, I've found that comparing my laps to 'Adrenaline laps' is similar to comparing my age to my pet dogs age. I find that if I add two or three seconds to 'Adrenaline laps' I get a lap time goal that is much closer to 'human lap time' lol

Lol, you're giving me far too much credit.
My point, was that the default tune can take you pretty far.
Don't get too hung up on having 'the perfect tune' and focus more on how the car wants to be driven.

Always start with the default and then try other tunes to compare. Sometimes peoples 'tunes' can be slowing you down and unless you know how fast you were with default, you might waste a lot of time, trying to force yourself into someone else's tune.

Take the default, zero out the rear toe, and add some camber.
That's the first step I make when testing a car.
Isn't the default transmission like 130MPH or something... so by default you mean you changed camber, toe, transmission, lsd settings, aero... did I miss anything? SRF on?
Isn't the default transmission like 130MPH or something... so by default you mean you changed camber, toe, transmission, lsd settings, aero... did I miss anything? SRF on?

2 different posts, 2 different subjects, 2 different meanings.

Default does not mean 'stock'.

Stock is untouched in anyway, default is all the best parts, but left at default setting. My 1:08 were at default, my following recommendations were a simple 'step' that I usually take next. Next as in after.

Gears may have been quickly adjusted via top speed, but when I think of 'tune' I usually refer to suspension settings, as I feel they are the most important. But feel free to nit pick over whatever petty issues you have with my words. Not sure what's been chewing you up the last 2 weeks, but by all means, be my guest.

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