The Mclaren looks awesome!
Big thanks, ziggy!Excellent work my friend.. been a while.. pages 35 & 36 were my favorite sets.. That Golf R set was the one set that stood out.. My only advice would be to wait for the moment that the windshield wiper blades are down on those weather change shots.. those things are horribly rendered so try to time it so that they aren't drawing attention to them...
Thank you, GPR!I like shot 4, very nice composition and toning. And I also quite like the mini rear shot too. 👍
Thank you, mate!Great work on the Lambo set. The Mini preview looks nice too. 👍
Thank you, GTracer!Great, I love the spinny feel of shot 3!
Glad to hear it, thanks, lilmann!Shot number five is fantastic. And I can't wait for the next set. 👍
Thanks, mate!Fantastic photos! I love the tones and the angles.
And you, thanks, mate!Pictures #4 and #5 are simply stunning, MadMoss. Love the tones and the atmosphere in both of these. 👍
Greatness, 1st and 3rd are probably my favourites!
The Mini set is super, love #5. Preview looks interesting too.
The mini set is great MM. I always love the rich glossiness you get out of the cars and the fog style atmosphere works well in these and makes the car really pop. Great work once again. 👍
Great set, MadMoss. While I like all of these shots due to the reflections and the different compositions, I think that the second image is my favourite.
Can't wait to check out your coming set once it's up. 👍