Magic's Dream come True, the R6

  • Thread starter Magic069
Ok, here they are guys!

This one is just mine:
Good shot of the panel LEDs plus you can really tell I mixed two colors in it.


This one is mine with my friends R1 with all green LEDs:


This last one is one that really shows the two blue LEDs I put in the headlights. Plus you can really see how my friends R1 is lite up in the back as well as the front. I plan to do the same. He has over 80 LEDs on his bike.


Question and Answers:

Niceness. I wonder if they are like invisible from the outside until you light them up, but it seems rather hard, since there are so many LEDs! But I 'm still excited about it. Tell your girlfriend to hurry up! *lol*
How is it with battery usage? Does it eat up alot? And what about the heat in the engine?
Anyways, if your pictures impress me a lot, I'll try to convince my brother to do that on his XJR 1300. =)

All the LEDs are hiden as much as possible. If you were looking for them, you could find some. If you didn't know I had them during the day, you would never know. The battery usage is barely none. I leave them on for hours at a time and nothing ever happens to the battery. I could probably leave them on all night, and still start the bike. I was worried about the heat too, but so far it hasn't effect it. The engine only gets up too about 225 degrees max, so it isn't that bad. Taping the wires down is a problem though. All the tape I have tried so far has come undone in the heat. Its worth it. Lots of time, and work but worth the looks that you get.

Magic, how about some pictures at night or duck for us?

At duck, hmmm, don't know if I can get any ducks to pose with it, but I'll try!

At dusk, I don't know if it would work because the LEDs are really hard to see when there is any sunlight.

I will add more if I get ones worthy of posting. We are currently working on my friends Ducati, adding purple to his, and my brother-in-law just did his blackbird in green as well.

Hope that satisfied everyone! :sly:
Sorry about the bluriness of the pictures. I didn't have a tripod and getting the camera to get all of the light without moving was real tough. Plus I was drinking (no lie) when we took these pics. It was about mid-nite when I came up with the idea. Had a bon-fire and a get together. Everyone crashed at my place. :D
Awesome pics. :D Next time I go to Orlando maybe I'll be lookin for ya. :P

Aren't blue LEDs/blue street glow illegal in Florida, though? Or is it just street glow?
No blue is illegal you are correct. I have gotten pulled over for it once, but the cop told me he liked it and let me go. Of course I had to turn them off.

Cops only usually care in North Orlando, in the southern areas I never have a problem.
All the LEDs are hiden as much as possible. If you were looking for them, you could find some. If you didn't know I had them during the day, you would never know. The battery usage is barely none. I leave them on for hours at a time and nothing ever happens to the battery. I could probably leave them on all night, and still start the bike. I was worried about the heat too, but so far it hasn't effect it. The engine only gets up too about 225 degrees max, so it isn't that bad. Taping the wires down is a problem though. All the tape I have tried so far has come undone in the heat. Its worth it. Lots of time, and work but worth the looks that you get.

First of all, the pictures look AWESOME! Although all of this bluriness (being drunk + taking photos = not the best thing to do. :D ).
The fact that the LEDs don't eat much battery up, is good, too.
The tape issue is what makes me frown, though. How are the wires from the LEDs fitted? You're not gonna telling me that they are hanging loose somewhere in the engine or something, right? *lol*
How are the wires from the LEDs fitted? You're not gonna telling me that they are hanging loose somewhere in the engine or something, right? *lol*

They aren't like hanging in the engine, the panels fit so snug againist the sides of the engine, nothing has room to hang. I just wanted to make sure they were more against the panel then the engine. Don't worry though, the wires are all double coated teflon wire. The wire can with stand something like 1000 degrees. I tried it, stuck it in a lighter flame, and the coating didn't melt.

Trust me, I thought of everything. :)
No blue is illegal you are correct. I have gotten pulled over for it once, but the cop told me he liked it and let me go. Of course I had to turn them off.

Cops only usually care in North Orlando, in the southern areas I never have a problem.

Ah, thought so. The cops are pretty anal about it up here methinks. :grumpy:
They aren't like hanging in the engine, the panels fit so snug againist the sides of the engine, nothing has room to hang. I just wanted to make sure they were more against the panel then the engine. Don't worry though, the wires are all double coated teflon wire. The wire can with stand something like 1000 degrees. I tried it, stuck it in a lighter flame, and the coating didn't melt.

Trust me, I thought of everything. :)

Awesome! I'll make my brother do that to his bike (which will be a bit harder since it's a naked bike) and then, when I get mine (as I said, I plan on buying either the R6 or a YZF 750 R), I'll do it on mine, too.

BTW. Don't forget about us, when you are completely done with the lighting to provide us with fresh pictures. ;)
BTW. Don't forget about us, when you are completely done with the lighting to provide us with fresh pictures. ;)

I won't. My older sister is already bothering me. "When are you going to finsh the back?" I will probably get started on it in the next couple of weeks. Which is a good reminder, I should go buy some LEDs right now... 👍
Haven't seen you around here in quite some time Magic, glad to see your still alive and posting. 👍

Very nice bike Magic! I'm a big fan of the R1 and R6. I'd love to get one but being 18 has disadvantages like super high insurance rates on a crotch rocket like that. :(
Oh, and re-reading that post remindes me. It has more lights on it now. I got a LED kits, that had four tubes with the ability to change colors, and do different patterns. They even have a setting that respond to sound, plus its all controled with a remote! Its hot.

Thanks for the comments!
I don't think the top speed is correct, I have gotten it to 145mph, and she has plenty of room to grow. I knew someone that got theres up to 189mph, but I don't think I'll be hitting that. Personal perference.

And one more thing, my new top speed record is 164mph. :D
IF you guys are talking about exceeding the legal speed limit on public roads, those posts should be reported because bragging about potentially lethal (and in my personal opinion, stupid and despicable) felonies is just as bothering and sick, if not more, as pornographic content (which does seem to be banned here).
IF you guys are talking about exceeding the legal speed limit on public roads, those posts should be reported because bragging about potentially lethal (and in my personal opinion, stupid and despicable) felonies is just as bothering and sick, if not more, as pornographic content (which does seem to be banned here).

Hmmm interesting stance. I am sorry if I offended anyone with my personal attempts at suicide.

Where the **** can you get up to 164 MPH? I go 80 and I'm looking around for cops.

There is a causeway going across the tampa bay, it is straight and usually clear at 12am. 3 lanes of open highway, and smooth concrete. Open her up, and away you go.

Got it Dynoed not to long ago, according to the test she tops out at 177mph with 100hp. Will I ever get there... don't know. Horsepower reading is pretty good, since Yamaha said in 2001 it came with 115. I lost the 15 somewhere, but I plan on finding it.
Hmmm interesting stance. I am sorry if I offended anyone with my personal attempts at suicide.
Oh don't get me wrong. The potential suicide of speeders doesn't offend me, on the contrary. I am amused if such nuts get what they risk. It is the irresponsable behaviour towards other people that disgusts me. Not only the immediate danger but also the unnecessary work and costs one gives to police and the community.
Oh don't get me wrong. The potential suicide of speeders doesn't offend me, on the contrary. I am amused if such nuts get what they risk. It is the irresponsable behaviour towards other people that disgusts me. Not only the immediate danger but also the unnecessary work and costs one gives to police and the community.

Oh give it up - you only live once (or so im led to believe) :)
Give what up? Asking for respectful behaviour towards the other people? In a private place (or place especially adapted for it) you can do whatever you want. I myself would like to do a lap around a circuit in a racecar sometime too. But why do you think a "public" place is called that way? It's a place for the public, not only you, hence it is the public that decides what is appropriate there and what isn't. I don't want to unconditionally defend the law, but speeding IS a potentially fatal felony for OTHER people (for yourself too, but that's your own business). Living in Belgium with it's notorious traffic, fatal accidents are daily news. And sure you'll tell me all about "there's nobody else on the road, i'm not gonna harm anyone else" and all that ****, but I have no respect for someone who even considers taking that risk. What you do to yourself is your business, but we don't have the right to decide over risks to other people.
If I see you walking on the street, and i wanna shoot a bullet 5cm above your head, i don't think you'll appreciate me taking the risk without considering your opinion, even if I am convinced that I won't hit you.

But oh well... "I only live once"... BANG!
Damn nice bike!! My uncle has the R1.. But with some damage becaus a stupid car driver kissed him with the bumper.. But is your little windshield colored blue?? And the blue leds seem really cool, I have blue neon in my computer and blue led fans :D Soon as I got 18 I'm going for a bike. Did ya tried a wheelie yet? Or aren't you in that?