Magnetism the 6th Sense. Do humans Have it?

  • Thread starter Dotini


United States
* Dozens of animal species, from ants to whales, have well-documented abilities to detect the geomagnetic field and use it for orientation and navigation.
* After some false starts, researchers may have now located the organs for this magnetic sense, and they are finally understanding the physics that underpins it.
* Some animals may use microscopic magnetic particles to detect magnetic fields; others might harness quantum effects on certain pigments in the eye.

For what must have felt like an interminable six months back in 2007, Sabine Begall spent her evenings at her computer, staring at photographs of grazing cattle. She would download a satellite image of a cattle range from Google Earth, tag the cows one by one, then pull up the next image. With the help of her collaborators, Begall, a zoologist at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, ultimately found that the unassuming ruminants were on to something. On average, they appeared to align their bodies with a slight preference toward the north-south axis. But they were not pointing to true north, which they could have located using the sun as reference. Instead they somehow knew how to orient themselves toward the magnetic north pole, which is hundreds of kilometers south of the geographic pole, in northern Canada.

Can anyone doubt this?
Alternatively, can anyone back this up with any remotely credible anecdotal evidence?

Respectfully submitted,
I wonder what the prevailing winds are?

And the sun isn't going to tell an animal where true north is, unless they know the season and time of day (doubtful.)

It may well be that they tend to keep the sun behind them and out of their eyes, and thus ending up pointing "miraculously" towards magnetic north, which would be a bit east of true north, putting the afternoon sun directly behind them, to the southwest.
Sorry to be dumb but could it not be due to the iron in our bodies somehow (blood)?

We'd have our own magnetic fields if all the iron molecules in out bodies pointed in the same direction all the time. But it would be negligible, just like everybody's personal gravity field.
From the SA abstract: "On average, they appeared to align their bodies with a slight [emphasis added] preference toward the north-south axis."

I wonder how slight is "slight"? I'd love to see some of the raw data on this, or even plots of it. In particular, by how many standard deviations does it vary from what random probability would indicate?

Very anecdotal, possibly completely irrelevant or possibly very significant:
When I was a kid I seemed to have the ability to always know which way north was. Blindfold me and spin me around, I could still point towards north. I have no idea how I knew, I just did. But the ability seemed to go away around puberty.
I can remember reading about people being able to 'see' through their tongue. The brain can do many things, most of it we know little or nothing about.
It has a tremendous ability to rewire itself, and after staring at cows for 6 months, this could be just one of these possibilities.
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6th Sense? We already have about 20.

I salute you. It's so true. Hunger, thirst, humour, love, pressure, temperature and balance spring to mind.