Maintenance / Ownership Consequences: Introduction of the Body Damage

  • Thread starter amar212
Real Racing 3 :mad:. You have to pay and wait to repair your car. Or pay even more to skip repair times.
I think the RR3 way of doing it is perfect. If you don't want to, or can't afford to, repair and wait for the repair, don't crash it, drive more carefully and sensibly, improve your speed with consideration for the consequences. It is what racing games are crying out for and introduces a sense of responsibility and ownership in keeping with the OP.
The damage adds realism to the nonexistent "fear factor" of the game. If they implement permanent damage, you will see no more super flying hot laps anymore! think taking a 20M credit car to the nurb and taking the risk "to total" the car trough a flying lap. This is for me the main purpose of implementing real damage. To add some "fear factor" to the game. Taking it in to a more challenging level,if they implement the option of "virtualyl dying", loosing all the career progress, the global lap times will be more "real". And this could be implemented having some level selection in the career mode, like "rookie, casual, pro, simulation", in the "simulation" mode for hardcore players.
So, some expert seasonal could adopt this feature to gold the event.
As much as I hated doing it, the latest 'Ring time trial was quite like that. ANY off meant a full restart. THAT kept me a LOT more honest through the lap!