- 402
By using adobe photoshop you can make your vehicle look hand drawn.
First bring up the image you want to make look pencil and duplicate the layer.
Then make remove the color from the duplicate layer.
Duplicate the black and white layer and invert the colors.
After inverting the colors go to window then click layers and make the inverted layer hard light.
This should make your screen almost white if not all white.
Then go to filters and gaussian blur and it should make your photo look drawn.
First bring up the image you want to make look pencil and duplicate the layer.
Then make remove the color from the duplicate layer.
Duplicate the black and white layer and invert the colors.
After inverting the colors go to window then click layers and make the inverted layer hard light.
This should make your screen almost white if not all white.
Then go to filters and gaussian blur and it should make your photo look drawn.