Makeshift Shuffle - No Tuning RacesOpen 

Would also be interested in joining series on a regular basis if there are still places available. Used to enjoy shuffle racing as part of GT5 and not really got into GT6 online mode yet.

Can pickup the Commuter cars for Monday night, probably in blue.
PSN - kirk1701a
Welcome everybody.
And thanks for helping each other out.

I'll try to catch up here...

The scheduled times are in post #2.
I add them as I can figure I'm going to be available. This may vary.

ANYONE else is welcome to race under this format, and volunteer to host. 👍 So if you're interested in that, that's great. :) I'd list it in post #2 with the others.
I would expect the same rules to apply, if it's listed here, so people know what to expect.
You are also welcome to make your own thread with your own variation using these car lists & whatever. I don't mind anyone stealing the idea!

Yes, you use the car as is, with the tires specified. (all cars in the same list will use same tires)
(In some of the other lists some cars may not come on specified tires, so you might have to buy tires at some point.)

You can get oil change, standard custom wheel rims, and paint both the body & rims.
You can paint whatever colours you want. 👍 But lots of us stick with a general theme for all cars. This is not mandatory. You don't need to paint your cars at all or change the wheel rims.

The entire fleet of Commuter Cars, including wheels & paint & oil changes, will still come in under 300,000 credits.
The entire list of Vintage Road Cars, including wheels & paint & oil changes, should cost under 250,000 credits.
Not sure about the others. I know the Luxury Cars list is a bit longer, and the cars are a bit more pricey. Well, they're luxury cars after all. ;)
My hope is that within a week or so we can start rotating, if people get a few of the lists together.
I'm tracking general interest sign-up, and car acquisition, in post #3 of this thread.

The scheduled sign-ups is to attract others to participate!
And sometimes there are "drop-ins" and that's good too.
I have a few pals on PSN who are not on GTP, and they join as well sometimes.

There's no limit to members, because the times will vary, and likely most people can't make every time, and so don't worry about there not being room - at least not yet. I think we've topped out at 12 so far, and only for a short time. People come & go during the racing time. It's sprint racing, and it's casual so you can come late, leave early, drop in when you can. 👍
some photomodes... :)


These are from Saturday...


Despite only 5 drivers in the Alfa Romeo Twin Spark... it was a tense tight tense race at Daytona! Very fun.


all scrambling together at once over the finish line with Handlebar taking the win...


This was from last week at Brands Hatch..

I can't get into 3 of 4 replays I saved yesterday. :boggled:

Is anyone else having this problem? :grumpy: :confused:
I hit play in my gallery to play the replay, it says it's loading with the title screen. But then the screen goes black & stays that way, and the entire ps3 freezes. :(
I can't get into 3 of 4 replays I saved yesterday. :boggled:

Is anyone else having this problem? :grumpy: :confused:
I hit play in my gallery to play the replay, it says it's loading with the title screen. But then the screen goes black & stays that way, and the entire ps3 freezes. :(
Yea, it's happened to me too. I wanted to see the last game we played on Indy, but every time I load it, I freeze. :(
I can't get into 3 of 4 replays I saved yesterday. :boggled:

Is anyone else having this problem? :grumpy: :confused:
I hit play in my gallery to play the replay, it says it's loading with the title screen. But then the screen goes black & stays that way, and the entire ps3 freezes. :(

Yes - there is a glitches thread that talks about this. Mine worked (the 3-4 I watched), but I'm trying to watch replays saved by others and getting about 50/50 odds.

Please add more info to the glitch thread if possible.
I'm keeping the schedule in post #2.
I was planning on having a round on Friday.

I try to delete out the events once they're past, but I've not kept on top of that very well, so sometimes you might have to scroll down in post #2 to see the upcoming dates.

I'm not really scheduling anything more than a week in advance here, just as it goes & I have availability and when I can say for near certain I can play then, and not have any other racing going on that I'm in.

I might look at making a US evening time here or there. But usually there's stuff if I get the chance I want to be in. (Like the snail karts on Tuesday nights, for instance.)

Eventually I'd like to get to the point where we can schedule, or not, and people just have the cars ready for casual racing. (Just like real shuffle used to be.)

Edit: But once a lot of us get all the cars lists together... Maybe we can schedule some Cups here & there. You know, with points. Or maybe a league day for points or something like that. Depending on if there's interest in that.
I can make tomorrow, 90% sure.

  1. Chrysler PT Cruiser '00 - Stone White
  2. Suzuki SWIFT Sport '05 - Champion Yellow 4
  3. Renault Megane 2.0 16V '03 - Bleu Ottoman
  4. Volkswagen Golf IV GTI '01 - Jazzblue Perleffekt
  5. Peugeot 307 XSi '04 - Bleu Rècife
  6. Alfa Romeo 147 TI 2.0 TWIN SPARK '06 - Rosso Alfa
  7. BMW 120i '04 - Sydneyblau
  8. Seat Ibiza Cupra '04 - Amarillo ovni
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I am planning on it, all Commuters in bright Green.

Vintage Road Cars are all matte black with Red rims, and Vintage Sports Cars are all bright red with standard wire rims. All rims are standard sizes.
Cool thing!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on track.
Friday is Commuter Cars again. Because I haven't heard from everyone about their acquisition of other lists.

Let me know if you've got the Vintage Road Cars together.

Also, I've started a time trial... to start testing other groupings of cars. So if you're interested in helping test here you go.
Sadly, will not make it tonight as I have an infestation of children.

Intending to do some shopping in the next day or so so should have vintage road cars soon.

Have fun.

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