Makeshift Shuffle - No Tuning RacesOpen 

Today's itinerary

Low Power, Legends, Traffic

Race #1: 1 laps @ Special Stage Route 7 (40/50/80) // Nissan CUBE EX (FF/CVT) '02
Race #2: 5 laps @ Autumn Ring Mini (20/50/50) // Low Power
Race #3: 3 laps @ Mount Panorama (10/50/50) // Low Power
Race #4: 4 laps @ Tsukuba (50/50/50) // Legends
Race #5: 4 laps @ London Reverse // Legends
Race #6: 4 laps @ Deep Forest Reverse // Legends
Race #7: 3 laps @ Fuji GT // Traffic
Race #8: 2 laps @ Circuit de la Sarthe no chicanes // Traffic
Hey watermelon, when you get the chance, check out the time trial testing thread. Amar has another set of times for the hot hatches.
I have a feeling that watermelon isn't receiving alerts from the testing thread so she may not even know that amar has another set of times. Even if it is finalized we probably won't start using it until next week.
Can I have a volunteer for someone to host in place of me tomorrow? It's just that I don't know if I really am gonna have time to host shuffle tomorrow :indiff:. I should be able to continue to host Thursdays but this week I'm extremely busy.
Thursday seems to bring in the most people so I'm fairly sure you will be able to use your schedule if necessary. I may be able to host but I can't say for sure. Anyway thank you very much for stepping up watermelon. 👍
Vintage, Luxury, Low Power
Race #1: 4 laps @ High Speed Ring Reverse (10/50/10) // Honda Civic 1500 3door CX '79
Race #2: 4 laps @ Matterhorn Short Track (06:00/45)(80/50/50) // Vintage
Race #3: 4 laps @ Grand Valley East Reverse // Vintage
Race #4: 1 laps @ Nürburgring Nordschleife (08:00/45)(10/50/0) // Vintage
Race #5: 3 laps @ Willow Springs Big Willow (12:00/45)(10/50/0) // Luxury
Race #6: 3 laps @ Monza no chicane // Luxury
Race #7: 3 laps @ Daytona Road Course (13:30/45)(10/50/20)// Low Power
Race #8: 3 laps @ Clubman SSR 5 Reverse // Low Power