Well from now on I think we should all enter the track, then cancel entry, then re-enter the track... twice. Just to be sure.
And everyone needs to A) check the person who finished before you, and B) check to see if anyone seems to be in the wrong list. It's the only way.
This bug is more annoying in this format especially.
@ryzno that wasn't your fault, it's the bug thing, we all knew that.
I totally remember checking all the cars, and it looked like you were in the right car before I started the race.
I check every car every time... or at least I try to.
But in the race (the race we stopped), it looked like you were in the Skyline, even so. Of course we all know you were not in the Skyline.. but it still looked like it.
I was distracted by it and a bunch of us wrecked at T1 (definitely partly my fault - I always mess up when I notice something like that & get distracted on the start

And then I realized after
@daddyo845 stopped to mention it ... it was the glitch, and it probably distracted others & may have led to the pile up after the start.
That's why I suggested restarting the race.
The same thing happened the other day. We noticed someone in the Legends Skyline on SSR5 when we were in the Hot Hatches. That was weird too. The person wasn't really in the Legends Skyline - they were in the proper Hot Hatch. And I really remember checking before that race too.
The only explanation I can think of is this: That if you still look like you're in the previous car to ANYONE in the room, you will show up in the race in that car. In other words, even if you look like you're in the right car to me... if you don't to someone else, you'll wind up looking like you're in the wrong car inside the track. At least that's my theory.