I'm quite sure I don't own one of those cars needed for Thursday execpt the RS200 yet but I'm going to buy them of course. Are they going to appear on a future "Below Low Power" list?
It would be called the Limbo Stick list.

I have been thinking of dialing in more low power cars, and splitting it into 2 lists.
Sometime eventually this will be discussed on the
Time Trials Testing Thread, if anyone's interested.
I'm also thinking of having a "One Make List"... A list of oddball cars that don't fit into other lists, but we can have ready for one-make races. 👍
Fortunately I think all these low power cars are fairly cheap.
But unfortunately many of these really low power cars
scheduled for Thursday & Saturday have stock gearing issues which make them incompatible to form a list.

For example, the Honda Z Act (as well as the Honda N360) take forever to launch off.

Others are just problematic on many tracks. I had to choose the tracks for some of them very carefully. I spent almost an hour finding
exactly the right tracks for the Honda Life Step Van, VW Sambabus, & Biposto Bertone.

So that we can have a good time. 👍
The I-Miev I already have raced on GVER in Low HP League in GT5. And it was such a big hit, we did bonus races with the I-Miev after that.
And the vintage Fiat 500 scheduled for Saturday, I already knew was a good fit at Monte Carlo because we've raced it there before in GT6.
And also that's a nostalgia thing for those who used to attend my GT5 shuffle lobbies.
For anyone who wasn't in those shuffle lobbies... I'll tell the story of that once again, because it's a fond memory for me.
Of course you know in a pub lobby, Cote D'Azur is rather a dicey track to race.
Difficult to police track conduct.

And racing there in many lobbies (not just mine), often led to temptations for poor track etiquette, and somebody getting mad because someone else cut the chicane, or had an accident in the switchback hairpins,
or just lots of Turn 1 drama.

Even with shuffle set to base lowest at 300pp, there would always be complaints, somebody making a stink afterward in the lobby, and lots of rage quits.
But we did "track vote" for most races, and I allowed the vote to stand.
... And then I would pick the cars to race. Either shuffle settings or 1-make from courtesy garage - which was more extensive in GT5, and included cars such as the premium vintage Fiat 500.

For example, I would always use the Brera Pig Window if Daytona or Indy oval got voted in... because it was very easy to oval race in this car, and would lead to less complaints & more likely for everyone to have a good time.
So whenever people would vote for Cote D'Azur, I would make it a 1-make race in the vintage Fiat 500.
And it was very funny.
But people really had a good time because the cars are slow, and needing to maintain momentum meant that
nobody would want to bump 
so there would be very few incidents, and very few people tempted to do crazy lines or ridiculous stunts. Also, cutting the chicane is not beneficial at all in the vintage Fiat 500.

The curbing slows the car enough to make it very undesirable to go over that chicane anyway.
So it was a "safe bet" whenever that track was voted in. 👍
After awhile, regulars came to expect this... and even look forward to it!!

It also had the nice side-effect of annoying impatient and easily frustrated racers... so those most likely to cause trouble in races would simply leave.

Whenever new people would join and vote for Cote D'Azur... the regulars would start chanting in the chat, "Fiat! Fiat! Fiat!"

In fact, sometimes regulars would vote for Cote D'Azur BECAUSE they knew we'd race the vintage Fiat 500.

It was very funny.
PS: Thanks everyone for generously giving me your extra smileys you don't use in your quota of smiley usage.