man fired after his IRL name get posted (reddit, VA)

  • Thread starter Ibonibo


Already paying my Isp 4 Access
Discreation adviced, it's hard to read if you're sensible but less hard then the actual content it tries to battle

So basiclly the guy has been doing aweful stuff on the internet, trolling people just to stir up the internet (ranging from pediophile content, to snuff, outright illegal stuff, racism,...).
In most countries a lot of his stuff is/ would be illegal and prosecuted.
It seems that in the US it is Ok (not sure though)

Now after he pissed off a few too many people Gawker revealed his real identity and he got fired.

I applaud Gawker.

Freedom of speech is over when you clearly violate other people rights.
VA and his supporters can call it out all they want.
The guy is a pedophile, pervert, creep and monster and would face jail time in a lot of non-fascist countries.

Also I find it funny that a site that upholds their idea of freedom of speech so high and fought against Sopa, now are basiclly censoring everything coming from Gawker.

What do you think??

I am not a user of 4chanm,reddit and whatever the new internet is supposed to be, so I was quite a shocker then I read it through a news site linking to Gawker
Honestly? Didn't even click the links, just read your post. I have zero interest in the "rights" of those who were apparently participating in some of the despicable things you mentioned.

If this individual was named and will now face repercussions for his actions, sounds good to me.
Honestly? Didn't even click the links, just read your post. I have zero interest in the "rights" of those who were apparently participating in some of the despicable things you mentioned.

What if they weren't? The links imply that the user actively helped Reddit keep paedophilic material off their site. He posted photographs of scantily-clad teenagers which had been legally published in legitimate sources - so if he's a paedophile so are the editors of those publications.

Either way, this is a big nonfuss. He was perfectly entitled to say and do everything he said and did, Reddit were perfectly entitled to let him, the Gawker journo was perfectly entitled to name him and his employers were perfectly entitled to not want to associate themselves with what he said and did. No rights were violated at any point of the chain.
Freedom of Speech has been a cause of debate ever since we learned to speak. Now that we have learned to read and write, it becomes ever more a debate.
My policy is to avoid links (plug-ins/hacks) provided by any other than a trusted source and to post only content that doesn't offend the mainstream.
Obviously anything one posts can be found to be offensive at least by a minority - and they will of course be vociferous in voicing their dissent. So what is offensive. And what is not? That, I guess, is where the debate heats up. Some of what was offensive in the past isn't any more. Likewise, what was 'cool' in the past, is not PC, anymore.
One thing to keep in mind is that we are always free to avoid the offensive part of the Internet - however, one must remember that whatever you send out into Cyberspace is being examined by somebody you would never dream of looking at your stuff - and sometimes at sites that you may not be able to get into yourself. Google is not only your friend. If you ever google yourself - prepare to be surprised. Every post you made is out there somewhere - and not only where you posted it.
Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Information is usually closely connected.


Freedom of Expression doesn't necessarily mean freedom from consequences.

If you tattoo a flying phallus with a swastika on your back, don't expect to keep your job after it gets photographed at the faculty pool party...
Freedom of speech is over when you clearly violate other people rights.

Did he violate people's rights? I didn't read either of the links, but from what you summarized I'm not sure there were rights violations.

...freedom of speech doesn't end until you actually violate someone's rights. That being said, freedom of speech doesn't guarantee you a platform from which to speak or freedom from consequences of that speech.
This is the reason why you shouldn't go around being a complete ass, whether in real life or the internet.

It's also a very good reason why you have to create some sort of line(s) in the sand for all users, as to what's acceptable or not, or it's going to turn into an anarchistic/fascist free-for-all.
This is the reason why you shouldn't go around being a complete ass, whether in real life or the internet.


I always try to speak to people on here as I would IRL. I say on here because this is the only "social network" site that I use. If I say something that is maybe a bit off, the I expect someone to tell me, if I go as far as to say something that leads people to believe I am a pedophile then I expect a ruddy good hiding, and online I would expect to get banned. At work? Sacked, at best.
Just to clarify...

I was NOT talking about whistle blowers and do gooders. It's the criminals that I detest. I went ahead and read the piece from the journalist who published this idiots real name.

And now I've come full circle, and couldn't possibly care less about his opinion of what he's done or the opinion of his "fans". Regardless of legality - it appears he might not have violated any laws at all - there are still repercussions to ones actions. If anonymity gave him the opportunity to make some decisions and do some things that may have repercussions in real life, then that is on 100% on him.

If this jack-A removed 1,000 instances of questionable content from a site as a moderator, it is all undone when he then posts his own - which he did on dozens of topics apparently.

Good luck finding a new job! Does he know how to bag groceries?
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I don't know if it was clear that this was on reddit.

He did starts forum in reddit for:
Hitler (exemple: illegal in Germany, or hate speech a "crime" in a few countries)

Pics of underage girls (copyright infrigement: they stole the picture from an other website and repost them without the consent of the right holder, not to speak that most of those picture where very borderline on pedophily, and pedophile content got posted, granted deleted but how long was it visible)
Forum called "jailbait"

Pics of violence against woman called chokeab****, not limited at choking

A Thread with the N word where the obvious content is again hatespeech of the finest

Rapebait : Probably a thread about rape (illegal also in quite a few countries)

Jewmercia : antisemitsm, obviously and again hatespeech

Misogeny : a whole thread about degrading woman

Incest : illegal in also a few countries in the world

That are some of the top tier cited in the article, he mod'ed a few more threads and shows that he clearly breached the rights of the Real world a few times.

Now he complains and begged not to divulge his real life identity, because his wife is sick,... he lost the health insurance and was fired on a weekend.

Buhh huhh

Ooohh he also bragged about getting a B-job from his 19-year old stepdaughter.
Ibonibo... you seem to have some desire to prove this bloke is a criminal based on his entirely legal acts.

What evidence do you have that he either committed a crime in his own country or that:

That are some of the top tier cited in the article, he mod'ed a few more threads and shows that he clearly breached the rights of the Real world a few times.

Seriously, who cares that a US citizen in the USA starts a discussion about Hitler that would be illegal in Germany? So Germany (in common with many other countries, my own included) wants to limit exactly what people are allowed to talk about. What does that have to do with a US citizen's actions in the US where freedom of speech is Constitutionally protected.

Seems from the article that he posted a lot of crap (including some pictures that wouldn't necessarily fly on GTP, but which were totally legal even including fair use of them under the copyright licensing agreement), someone found out his real name and his employer decided they wanted to distance themselves from his crap. At no point did he break any laws of his nation or state nor harm the rights of anyone.

What you should take from this is what Danoff said:

... freedom of speech doesn't guarantee you a platform from which to speak or freedom from consequences of that speech.

Troll gets comeuppance. Done.
For reference, that wouldn't be legal in the UK.

Why, he should be locked up for contravening my local laws from several thousand miles away and beyond our jurisdiction. The bastard.
Yeah, I might dropped the ball on that one, a little. Wouldn't that be incest once you are married?

If you are 18 years of age or older and sharing sex is consensual between the stepdaughter and stepfather then it is entirely legal in the US
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No, since there's no blood relation.

It's abuse of a position of responsibility, under the terms of an act I can't remember the name of governing children and vulnerable adults. Your step-child remains a vulnerable adult to you regardless of their age as you have a position of power over them (it switches when you're in a old folks' home and they have a position of power over you).
I get what you are saying Famine.

I know that he will not be persecuted, I just wanted to point out what a, for me at least, dispicable person that guy is, and that the internet doesn't, Like Danoff said, free you from the consequence in real life or internet.

And while it may not be a crime in the US due to the big freedom of speech it would probably over here, and in if in real life US as hate speech is a felony (though I don't know how far they did go, but after reading the article, it could very well be)
He did starts forum in reddit for:
Hitler (exemple: illegal in Germany, or hate speech a "crime" in a few countries)

Starting a forum for hitler is legal in the US (as is posting a pro-hitler sign or possibly even having a parade).

Pics of underage girls (copyright infrigement: they stole the picture from an other website and repost them without the consent of the right holder, not to speak that most of those picture where very borderline on pedophily, and pedophile content got posted, granted deleted but how long was it visible)
Forum called "jailbait"

Photos of dressed underage girls are entirely legal in the US. You can find them on any number of fashion websites, but I'll post one right here to prove a point:


There, now I've posted a photo of an underage girl. Problem? Now, if these underage girls were nude, or engaging in sexual acts, we'd have criminal activity on our hands.

Pics of violence against woman called chokeab****, not limited at choking

Also not illegal or just about every news organization on the planet would be banned (also youtube... bigtime). Now, if he committed a violate act against a woman (or conspired in such an act) we'd have criminal activity on our hands.

A Thread with the N word where the obvious content is again hatespeech of the finest

The "N" word is not illegal in the US or just about every rapper, NFL player, and black comedian would be in jail. Adam Carolla (white) just published a book with the n-word printed in it.

Rapebait : Probably a thread about rape (illegal also in quite a few countries)

I'm not sure but we may have a thread about rape here on GTPlanet. We definitely discuss rape to a large extent in the abortion thread. It is not illegal to discuss rape in the US. It is illegal to commit rape or conspire in an act of rape in the US.

Jewmercia : antisemitsm, obviously and again hatespeech

Again, it is not illegal to post antisemitic remarks on the internet or even on a posterboard carried by yourself as you march down colorado blvd after the rose parade.

Misogeny : a whole thread about degrading woman

Again, comedians, most of youtube, and several t-shirts would be illegal if this were against the law (also some posts in the funny pic thread). Instead, it is legal (and sometimes funny) to make degrading comments about women in the US.

Incest : illegal in also a few countries in the world

Not illegal in the US, if it were, the entire states of Alabama and Oklahoma would be in jail. Now, if it were photos of, or acts of underage incest, that might be illegal.

That are some of the top tier cited in the article, he mod'ed a few more threads and shows that he clearly breached the rights of the Real world a few times.

Not shown.

Now he complains and begged not to divulge his real life identity, because his wife is sick,... he lost the health insurance and was fired on a weekend.

He has access to cobra insurance most likely. Also, he should have thought of that before proving that he was a DB.

Ooohh he also bragged about getting a B-job from his 19-year old stepdaughter.

That is braggworthy (also not illegal).
Only, since he was holding down a sensible job, nobody knew he's a despicable guy. So he can't really be all that despicable.

Perhaps he just liked to wind down by winding up people on the internet with the persona of a despicable bloke. Looks like he's managing it even after getting, as he would say, "pwned".
^Yes it said that in the article. He seems to have that Southern Hospitality (he is texan, i think).
It also says in the article that he was one of the biggest trolls of the internet. It was mainly to enrage, stir up people, so he got coverage and got on the main page of reddit and then the internet fame, sort of. Maybe he was only after that?

What I found funny:
Since then, Reddit's volunteer moderators, who are given full control over the subreddits they moderate, have been banning users simply for submitting links that mention the controversy.

The site posting this stuff based on the freedom of speech rights, censors a critic... Seems to be popular on reddit to delete and downvote critics
Reddit is just an even more terrible and unfunny version of 4chan. Hardly surprising.