Many x2010's for borrow glitch

Hey I have alot of x2010's I've collected before the patch changed all that.
Im looking for some one to walk me through the borrow glitch and who has x2010's I don't have or...
Bday tickets
X2010's I have
Matte black
Royal blue
Metalic purple
Dark blue
Hunter green
Gloss black
Cranberry red
Light blue
Neon orange
Hey I have alot of x2010's I've collected before the patch changed all that.
Im looking for some one to walk me through the borrow glitch and who has x2010's I don't have or...
Bday tickets
X2010's I have
Matte black
Royal blue
Metalic purple
Dark blue
Hunter green
Gloss black
Cranberry red
Light blue
Neon orange
alright hi, the borrow glitch is a pain... i dont do it because it takes so long... but here it is... start the game, go to a friends profile that has the car you want... borrow it, quit the game and go to game data utility ps3 and delete the gran tarismo 5 game patch... start the game and when it asks if you would like yo install the patch hit circle... then go to your garage and change to a random car... not the car your borrowing... then save the game and guit... restart the game and install the game patch... then you have the car for good... also it never gains switches or miles! hope this helped
alright hi, the borrow glitch is a pain... i dont do it because it takes so long... but here it is... start the game, go to a friends profile that has the car you want... borrow it, quit the game and go to game data utility ps3 and delete the gran tarismo 5 game patch... start the game and when it asks if you would like yo install the patch hit circle... then go to your garage and change to a random car... not the car your borrowing... then save the game and guit... restart the game and install the game patch... then you have the car for good... also it never gains switches or miles! hope this helped

sorry about my misspelling... i was in a hurry and wasnt really paying attention...
Do you keep all your other cars after you've done it?

Yes, apart from any DLC cars you have but you can simply re-download those from your PSN account. Also it will break most of your thumbnails, and if you have a large amount of cars you will likely have to spend a good few hours regenerating them. To me, it's simply not worth it.