There isn't a worthless Trumper (but I repeat myself) that isn't desperate to drop and give the bitch a sucky. Not a single one.
Under the legislation, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing would be ordered to design a $250 bill bearing President Trump's face.
Modern American conservatism is mental illness.
Be careful, you are going to hurt their feelings for calling them dumb, or labelling them... They don't like that apparently...
But in their eyes, they are completely free to be name calling anyone and anything they want, citing their constitutional right to freedom of speech
More like Freedom to be idiots and stupid...
It's amazing how the right, GOP and Maga don't see how they hold two standards ....
But I guess they are totally fine with that, because
They believe:
1) they can do anything they want, there are no rules for them
2) anyone else outside their group must be held to the strict letter of the law and that only the group 1 can judge group 2, which must be reigned in and fully controlled...
Wow the blind double standards...
Magnificent idiots trump and his Toadies and followers...
I am in the United States. trump is the ultimate stress this point, let is all rot away, and we can clearly see who's doing it, let it be in the history books that trump is the worst US president ever and that this country is so far gone into lunacy and stupidity that they decided to vote for him twice .. no longer the white house, it is now an orange circus of incompetent idiots, who only thinks highly of themselves because of the fake titles they have been assigned, but they want none of the responsibilities.
It's all for show.
It's all on those who steal from the people they have the responsibility to protect.... But they don't care one but...
It doesn't matter how well dress or pretty they look, trump always be hiring these "pretty faces" but the reality is all of them are all roten like zombies from the Core and inside....
They are too stupid to see it.
Good morning Everyone