Mass Shooting in Las Vegas

  • Thread starter Daniel
Knowing the History of America, serious gun control from a federal level would risk Civil War.

It's part of the culture and isn't just because of the 2nd admendment but with how the government is operated.

Steps to ban things such as extended mags or what not can be possible but guns in general is never going to happen without some sort of massive conflict.
Knowing the History of America, serious gun control from a federal level would risk Civil War.

It's part of the culture and isn't just because of the 2nd admendment but with how the government is operated.

Steps to ban things such as extended mags or what not can be possible but guns in general is never going to happen without some sort of massive conflict.

I agree... and that's because banning guns is immoral. Full stop.

A ban on guns is telling someone that they are a criminal, despite no wrongdoing, simply for the act of possessing the firearm and using force against them to demand compliance. No one on Earth has the right to make that judgment against any other human being. I know I know, utilitarianism, the greater good, blah blah... it's a human rights violation. Let's focus the discussion on what we can do to solve the problem of violence (gun violence is an arbitrary brand of violence), in a way that is consistent with morality instead of jumping to human rights abuses because we don't want to think honestly about the problem.

Then maybe we have a chance of preventing this from being changed to a truck plowing through people instead of a gun.
That's limited to gun deaths according to the article, which is a bit of an arbitrary classification. You can find sources that show the lack of effectiveness of gun bans against more general crime.

That someone is harmed or killed should be of more concern than how they were harmed or killed in my opinion. Going beyond that though, the fear of harm does not give people the right to force their will on other people. These are some of the things that make a sweeping gun ban very unattractive.
I'm not talking general crime, I'm talking about what is contribute so these types of event inside Las Vegas.
I'm not talking general crime, I'm talking about what is contribute so these types of event inside Las Vegas.
I don't see why there needs to be a narrow focus. Gun deaths are not worse than non gun deaths. Taking people's property away out of fear or without justification is wrong.

Even if you only want look at what contributes to shootings, it's obviously not just guns or every gun owner would be a murderer. There is intent to harm other people. If that was eliminated, then you could pass out guns for free and there wouldn't be any killing. I think we would all agree that there is a problem when a person wants to hurt another person.
I don't see why there needs to be a narrow focus. Gun deaths are not worse than non gun deaths. Taking people's property away out of fear or without justification is wrong.

Even if you only want look at what contributes to shootings, it's obviously not just guns or every gun owner would be a murderer. There is intent to harm other people. If that was eliminated, then you could pass out guns for free and there wouldn't be any killing. I think we would all agree that there is a problem when a person wants to hurt another person.
How to avoid non gun death is a complete different story, while I'm agree they are not better or worse. Taking people's property if it's made for killing is justifiable in my opinion. You can't eliminate intent, but you can limit the access for the intent to happen.

Murder isn't justifiably illegal simply for the reason that it might deter future murders. It's "malum in se". You're analogizing it with "malum prohibitum".

How to avoid non gun death is a complete different story, while I'm agree they are not better or worse. Taking people's property if it's made for killing is justifiable in my opinion. You can't eliminate intent, but you can limit the access for the intent to happen.

My guns are made for killing. I own them for the purpose of killing, if ever needed, in self-defense. Why is it justifiable to make me a criminal for that act? It is my right to kill in defense of life. What does this event (the Las Vegas shooting, as a reminder) have to do with me? Why does it justify making me a criminal?
Murder isn't justifiably illegal simply for the reason that it might deter future murders. It's "malum in se". You're analogizing it with "malum prohibitum".

My guns are made for killing. I own them for the purpose of killing, if ever needed, in self-defense. Why is it justifiable to make me a criminal for that act? It is my right to kill in defense of life. What does this event (the Las Vegas shooting, as a reminder) have to do with me? Why does it justify making me a criminal?
I'm think you can defend yourself with a pistol or hunting rifle just fine.
Yes, but not in masses like we see inside Las Vegas.

You're moving your goalposts. A moment ago you said guns can justifiably taken away if they're made for the purpose of killing people. Now you're changing your mind.
Why should people not be able to have many weapons? Want to know a secret...I have many many weapons, should I be on a watch list now?

How many have you got? If it's more than ten I honestly wouldn't want you around any of my loved ones. A preoccupation with guns doesn't strike me as healthy.

Bump-fire stock. Called it.

Well done at winning 'guess the weapon', 59 people have died in case you'd forgotten.
How many have you got? If it's more than ten I honestly wouldn't want you around any of my loved ones. A preoccupation with guns doesn't strike me as healthy.

I have 6, what do you think? Unhealthy? Does it mean I'm preoccupied? I'm in the market for one more.
You're moving your goalposts. A moment ago you said guns can justifiably taken away if they're made for the purpose of killing people. Now you're changing your mind.
What exactly do you consider to be a hunting rifle?
These details are irrelevant. Assault Rifles like we see in Las Vegas need complete ban. If you think you need assault rifle for defence you probably have bigger physic problems than actual problems for defence. If you want your pistol or rifle that can be used to defence but not for massacre ok, but it needs to be background check for that. That's my opinion.
These details are irrelevant. Assault Rifles like we see in Las Vegas need complete ban. If you think you need assault rifle for defence you probably have bigger physic problems than actual problems for defence. If you want your pistol or rifle that can be used to defence but not for massacre ok, but it needs to be background check for that. That's my opinion.

Assault rifles have their place in defense (kinda ironic given the name). It's not for everyone, but there are circumstances where you'd want one. Especially for defense against an organized, militarized attacker. If the 2nd amendment is supposed to include defense against an abusive government, "assault rifles" kinda have to be included.
When you're using a term as vague as "hunting rifle", they seem pretty important. It can mean a whole lot of things.
I don't know, just google hunting rifle. I'm guess most single bolt action.,,
Assault rifles have their place in defense (kinda ironic given the name). It's not for everyone, but there are circumstances where you'd want one. Especially for defense against an organized, militarized attacker. If the 2nd amendment is supposed to include defense against an abusive government, "assault rifles" kinda have to be included.
Yes so lets base the law of that improbable event that militarized government attack and terrorize innocent civilians. In event of that happening I'm think not one or two or even ten assault rifles not gonna help you.
I don't know, just google hunting rifle. I'm guess most single bolt action.,,

Yes so lets base the law of that improbable event that militarized government attack and terrorize innocent civilians. In event of that happening I'm think not one or two or even ten assault rifles not gonna help you.
A hunting rifle is any rifle that is purchased or used primarily for the role of hunting. Any caliber and barrel length can be used within legal regulations for normal rifles as far as I remember, but guess what?

Assault rifles can be hunting rifles too. AR-15 rifles chambered in .223 are used in hunting smaller game. I'm certain there are also up-chambered AR 15s for larger game.
Sorry for the long post @Danoff . I reckon we'll probably end up agreeing to disagree but I was curious about some of the things you've stated.

We go through this every time.

When a mass shooting occurs in the US, a parade of people descend into the thread to denounce the US for allowing citizens to legally own guns.

"US" being the reason why. It's curious how those threads are usually opened because something happened in the US and not somewhere else in the western world. It happens way too often in the US (another link for some stats here). That's why people come here.

This is done without regard to any other events of any kind happening anywhere else in the world, and without care as to the particulars of the event in the US, and even (often) before information is known about the event. The folks that wish to explain that it is the US Bill of Rights that is the problem see each one of these events as proof-positive of their position, and come here to explain that this time, there is no denying it.

Do you think the 2nd amdt. is fully implemented as it was written? Do you thing the BoR is inerrant and couldn't be outdated / amended? Is it a fixed, finished, perfect document?

Each time they are met with the same set of (mostly) principled responses, because the event changes nothing. Why would anyone think that the latest mass shooting will be reacted to differently than the previous? All of the same principles apply. All of the same reasoning applies. The US Bill of Rights and the principles upon which it was drafted are not utilitarian. Unlike most of the rest of the world.

You might be coming here perplexed that the latest deaths do not change positions of those who value the right to bear arms... but we are not performing some calculation based on how many deaths we can prevent. The goal of our laws is not to minimize casualties, it is to preserve human rights. The Bill of Rights does not attempt to serve the greater good, or calculate whether some people must make a sacrifice to their freedom for the good of the rest - it codifies the rights of the individual.

That's where probably the crux of the matter lies. Why is it that we have systems that serve the greater good of the people, including in the US, (like the requirement of a driving license in order to drive a car) but when we talk about guns, the individual right of the people to bear arms is above all else and there's no requirement for even a simple license / permit before or regulation after the guns being sold? If the goal of the law is not to minimize harm / casualties, why is it illegal to drive after a few beers (random 0.x gr/l, I can't recall) or while speaking on the cellphone? Isn't your right to drink or talk with someone else being infringed upon by the law in order to serve the greater good? Why do we have parking tickets and speed limits or why can't you take a bottle of water on a plane? These seem pretty utilitarian laws / rules. I mean, the list goes on and on for every aspect of life. Unless utilitarianism means something different.

Also, can you back up this sentence: "Unlike most of the rest of the world." I have no knowledge of such thing happening at least in western societies. I don't know of any country where a court will decide to put an innocent in jail just to avoid a riot by the people who think he's guilty or let a guilty man free just to avoid a riot by those who think he's innocent. OJ Simpson came to mind - free man again.

So don't be surprised when you get a seemingly stubborn response when you think that the latest tragedy is a tipping point and find that there are people who are not pushed off of their principles. Those principles are not utilitarian. They are not based on a calculus of human lives. They are based on what power you justifiably have over other human beings, and that is all. And yes, it is worth dying for. Utilitarianism is an immoral view of the world.

That specific principal happens to be those people's principal because someone thought it was a good idea to have it in a particular time in history (citizens to bear arms). It's not something absolute and for sure not as commonly regarded as a good principle as the freedom of speech/press/assembly. Only radical lunatics argue against free speech. But most people in developed countries do not think that common citizens (easily) owning guns is a good principle. Do you think you would hold on to that principle or come up with it if it wasn't in the BoR?

There's no perfect moral view of the world that works every time in all situations imo. If the right to have guns was so good, you would think everyone everywhere in the developed world would want that too. But people don't. It's a non issue. Why is it? Because the greater good is immoral? I'm safer living in a country where I know the guy next door who yells at his kids and wife or the crazy guy behind me in the traffic jam doesn't have the legal right and easy access to a gun.

I am not a ward of the state. I take personal responsibility for my actions, my well-being and the well-being of my family. Not everyone can learn mixed-martial arts to defend themselves with their hands or a bat. But we can all learn how to use a gun effectively and safely, and we can afford it. If some tragedy in the future (or this one) is abused as a political tipping-point to deny people their ability to take ultimate responsibility for their lives, it will become a far more tragic event with millions of victims.

You say "But we can all learn how to use a gun effectively and safely" but data shows that police forces and armed forces in general, in several countries (including in my own country) have a higher chance of committing suicide even though they get better training than the average citizen. Imagine people who don't have any type of training. The chance of doing something crazy like killing other person or killing yourself has been shown to be higher if you own a gun. Also, there's the obvious chance that mistakes happen and people kill other people or themselves with no intention or because they have no idea what they're doing (kids).

Why would it take millions of victims? That sounds like fearmongering. Compare the numbers of gun violence in the USA with other developed countries (or even with the entire western European continent). Do you think it's safer to live in the USA than, say, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Finland or Denmark (pick any country really) because you have guns to defend yourself and your family? Don't you think that that idea will only add to the problem of gun violence and not the opposite? If having guns is so important for so many americans (I think 35% own guns), everyone should have a gun if they wanted, right? Because, in the end, a black belt is useless against a bullet.

Hypothetical situation:
If a crazy guy (without criminal record and with a legally purchased gun) has a gun and wants to do me and my family some harm, he'll do it. Because me and my family don't carry our weapons all the time and we're not alert at all times. Having a gun could be and often is simply useless because when we need it we don't have it. The crazy guy wins and the good guy/family loses because we were unarmed despite our willingness to die for the second amendment.

I have 6, what do you think? Unhealthy? Does it mean I'm preoccupied? I'm in the market for one more.

How is owning more guns than hands to hold them possibly related to your safety and your family's safety? Do you keep a gun in every place you live/work? Do you carry them all with you in case you need to use them?

I agree... and that's because banning guns is immoral. Full stop.

A ban on guns is telling someone that they are a criminal, despite no wrongdoing, simply for the act of possessing the firearm and using force against them to demand compliance. No one on Earth has the right to make that judgment against any other human being. I know I know, utilitarianism, the greater good, blah blah... it's a human rights violation.

Immoral? Human rights violation? Seriously? How? And how is a ban on guns telling someone they're a criminal? That doesn't make sense at all.
If so, why stop with firearms? Why can't people have military drones, bazookas, full auto machine and modified weapons guns if they're not criminals, have done anything wrong and just "possess" those things? Why is it immoral to ban some guns but not the ones I mentioned?

Is it immoral to block you from taking over 100ml of liquids into planes? Is anyone telling you you're a criminal if you have a bottle of 200ml and never did anything wrong?

Let's focus the discussion on what we can do to solve the problem of violence (gun violence is an arbitrary brand of violence), in a way that is consistent with morality instead of jumping to human rights abuses because we don't want to think honestly about the problem.
Then maybe we have a chance of preventing this from being changed to a truck plowing through people instead of a gun.

What morality? Yours? You seem pretty settled on the topic already. Possessing guns are your right and nothing can change that. What do you want to discuss really, if you dismiss the "greater good" or the well being of others for the sake of owning a gun as you apparently do. Saying you want to discuss violence in abstract and ignoring the pretty apparent problem of gun violence in your country seems like raising a smoking mirror to me.

I'd also like to know the reasoning behind how a ban (I don't defend an outright ban but a strict control as it happens in most other 1st world countries) would lead to a massive conflict. What evidence supports that? Are all those none criminal, responsible gun owners going to turn into crazy lunatics from one day to the next and start killing people as revenge of some sort? Then I'd argue they're not that moral to begin with.

PS: I ignored the "well regulated militia" part because I'm not an expert but even the experts disagree on this. It's not a clear cut fact that the 2nd amdt means simply that all citizens can own guns.

USA can get their illegal weapon goods from countries like Mexico

@RESHIRAM5 The USA doesn't need to go to other counties to get weapons... On the other hand, 2000 illegal weapons cross the USA to Mexico every day. The gun problem in the USA is connected to other countries in the south and not because the other countries are the ones producing and selling guns to the average citizen but the other way around.

edit: just adding this. In Brazil, most of illegal weapons that cross the boarder come from the USA. They state in the article that the easiness with which you can get a gun in the US is part of the problem for them in Brazil and for Latin America in general.
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"US" being the reason why. It's curious how those threads are usually opened because something happened in the US and not somewhere else in the western world. It happens way too often in the US (another link for some stats here). That's why people come here.

Because you're not considering it to be the equivalent of say... the Nice attack in France. You lump it into its own category based on fairly arbitrary particulars of the event.

Do you think the 2nd amdt. is fully implemented as it was written? Do you thing the BoR is inerrant and couldn't be outdated / amended? Is it a fixed, finished, perfect document?

Not perfect, but not outdated either.

That's where probably the crux of the matter lies. Why is it that we have systems that serve the greater good of the people, including in the US, (like the requirement of a driving license in order to drive a car) but when we talk about guns, the individual right of the people to bear arms is above all else and there's no requirement for even a simple license / permit before or regulation after the guns being sold? If the goal of the law is not to minimize harm / casualties, why is it illegal to drive after a few beers (random 0.x gr/l, I can't recall) or while speaking on the cellphone? Isn't your right to drink or talk with someone else being infringed upon by the law in order to serve the greater good? Why do we have parking tickets and speed limits or why can't you take a bottle of water on a plane? These seem pretty utilitarian laws / rules. I mean, the list goes on and on for every aspect of life. Unless utilitarianism means something different.

You're a bit confused on a few things, which is fine, but this isn't the right thread to address all of it. I'll try to do a quick lap around it, but if you want to go into this, it's for a different thread. Maybe the human rights thread. The super super short answer is that reckless driving is the only one of those things that should actually be a crime. The rest of it utilitarian nonsense.

Also, can you back up this sentence: "Unlike most of the rest of the world." I have no knowledge of such thing happening at least in western societies. I don't know of any country where a court will decide to put an innocent in jail just to avoid a riot by the people who think he's guilty or let a guilty man free just to avoid a riot by those who think he's innocent. OJ Simpson came to mind - free man again.

Any country which heavily restricts or outlaws firearms for the sake of reducing gun deaths is a utilitarian system which is immoral to the extent that they implement such a ban. That's my evidence.

That specific principal happens to be those people's principal because someone thought it was a good idea to have it in a particular time in history (citizens to bear arms). It's not something absolute and for sure not as commonly regarded as a good principle as the freedom of speech/press/assembly.

Yes, the ability to defend yourself with deadly force is just as much a principle as freedom of speech. Which is part of the reason that it's right next to freedom of speech.

Only radical lunatics argue against free speech. But most people in developed countries do not think that common citizens (easily) owning guns is a good principle.

What does "most people" have to do with anything. "Most people" can be wrong... a lot... about a wide variety of subjects.

Do you think you would hold on to that principle or come up with it if it wasn't in the BoR?


If the right to have guns was so good, you would think everyone everywhere in the developed world would want that too. But people don't.

"Most people" again.

You say "But we can all learn how to use a gun effectively and safely" but data shows that police forces and armed forces in general, in several countries (including in my own country) have a higher chance of committing suicide even though they get better training than the average citizen.

It would be immoral to tell them they can't commit suicide. That's the use of force against an innocent person.

Why would it take millions of victims? That sounds like fearmongering.

The victims are all gun owners (millions of people) having their rights infringed.

Compare the numbers of gun violence in the USA with other developed countries (or even with the entire western European continent). Do you think it's safer to live in the USA than, say, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Finland or Denmark (pick any country really) because you have guns to defend yourself and your family? Don't you think that that idea will only add to the problem of gun violence and not the opposite?

I'm not a utilitarian.

Hypothetical situation:
If a crazy guy (without criminal record and with a legally purchased gun) has a gun and wants to do me and my family some harm, he'll do it. Because me and my family don't carry our weapons all the time and we're not alert at all times. Having a gun could be and often is simply useless because when we need it we don't have it. The crazy guy wins and the good guy/family loses because we were unarmed despite our willingness to die for the second amendment.

Ok, how does that change if you're not allowed to have a gun?

How is owning more guns than hands to hold them possibly related to your safety and your family's safety? Do you keep a gun in every place you live/work? Do you carry them all with you in case you need to use them?

Only 2 of my 6 guns are for self defense (his and hers). The other 4 are collectible.

Immoral? Human rights violation? Seriously? How? And how is a ban on guns telling someone they're a criminal? That doesn't make sense at all.

It's immoral because you're imposing force against someone who has committed no crime. You're telling them that they can't own a gun, and you have no authority to do so because they have committed no transgression. And banning guns is telling me that my actions right now are criminal (because I have them).

If so, why stop with firearms? Why can't people have military drones, bazookas, full auto machine and modified weapons guns if they're not criminals, have done anything wrong and just "possess" those things? Why is it immoral to ban some guns but not the ones I mentioned?

So... Nevada allows citizens to own fully automatic guns... and yet that was not what was used. We discussed earlier that Ahnold the Governator owns a tank... legally.

Is it immoral to block you from taking over 100ml of liquids into planes? Is anyone telling you you're a criminal if you have a bottle of 200ml and never did anything wrong?

Down I own the plane?

What morality? Yours? You seem pretty settled on the topic already. Possessing guns are your right and nothing can change that. What do you want to discuss really, if you dismiss the "greater good" or the well being of others for the sake of owning a gun as you apparently do. Saying you want to discuss violence in abstract and ignoring the pretty apparent problem of gun violence in your country seems like raising a smoking mirror to me.

You actually are the one who seem pretty settled on the notion that banning guns is the only solution. I'm interested in how we stop people from committing acts of violence against the masses... whether it be guns, trucks, bombs or what have you. You're myopically focused on this one particular aspect of a much larger issue that needs a completely different approach. I don't have all the answers, but I know that taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens is immoral.

I'd also like to know the reasoning behind how a ban (I don't defend an outright ban but a strict control as it happens in most other 1st world countries) would lead to a massive conflict.

Because many Americans are willing to defend their rights with force. They're not crazy lunatic criminals for doing so.

Yeah, no offense but I wouldn't have you near my family.

Then you have your priorities mixed up.
How many have you got? If it's more than ten I honestly wouldn't want you around any of my loved ones. A preoccupation with guns doesn't strike me as healthy.
I have an AR-15, .44 snub nose, .22 pistol, shotgun, 3 different hunting rifles, and will be getting a Glock soon for my CH. Guess where they are all kept? In a safe, where you need a specific key for that safe in order to access them. This is the same with a majority of law abiding gun owners.
Yeah, no offense but I wouldn't have you near my family. If you went around the UK telling people that you had six guns at home in the US, 90% of people would write you off as a weirdo.

If you were an American telling a Brit that we'd kind of expect it. If you were a Brit that was not a farmer telling another Brit then yes that would be a bit less commonplace, and also seem largely unnecessary.
These details are irrelevant. Assault Rifles like we see in Las Vegas need complete ban. If you think you need assault rifle for defence you probably have bigger physic problems than actual problems for defence. If you want your pistol or rifle that can be used to defence but not for massacre ok, but it needs to be background check for that. That's my opinion.

So what you are essentially saying is that illegally modified rifles need to be banned even further?

Nice try.

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