massacre at haditha

  • Thread starter vladimir
Solid Lifters
No, that's what the media in your country is trying to make you believe. They're looking for another "monkey-jive around the truth, and let's drum up some more anti war, anti military and anti USA sensationalism."

I see. I thank you for the enlightenment.

As from now I will take everything I read, see and hear from this countries forlorn media with a pinch of salt, until of course I have it clarified by your good self. 👍

So what about this honour thing of yours?
I see. I thank you for the enlightenment.
No problem. I like to help where I can, especially if it's greatly needed.

As from now I will take everything I read, see and hear from this countries forlorn media with a pinch of salt, until of course I have it clarified by your good self. 👍
Now there's a smart move. I wont steer you wrong with pointless monkey-jive the media resorts to these days in order to generate attention and controversy to one of their featured stories. Monkey-jive really seems to work for them, huh?
...I was watching Fox News this morning, and it was looking as though seven Marines were indeed going to be indicted under Murder charges, but nothing was completely certain at that time... Of course, I havent watched the news today since 3:30 PM...

Then shortly after, it appears that once again, the Dems. are calling for Rumsfeld's resignation as Sec. of Defense. Yeah, thats gonna happen... Keep shooting for the stars!!!!

Okay kids, calm down... Yes, there are plenty of thick-headed GOP nutjobs out there, and twice as many wagon-hoping "Liberal-hippie-douche bags" out there, but the bickering isn't going to solve anything.

To the liberals: Face it, we are at war. It isn't going to end any time soon, and we are going to be in Iraq for a while. But would you rather have the bearded devil blowing up more buildings in New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Detroit, Miami, etc instead of us taking care of business in the Middle East? Yes, you could argue that violence only causes more violence, but when was the last time a building was blown-up on US-soil? Exactly...

You can argue all you want against the war... Write you music, smoke your pot, have a sit-in, whatever. This isn't Vietnam, and your movement may as well die. We are at war, we have been in Iraq three years, and we have been in this "War on Terror" for five... Nothing is going to change that!

If you want change, get your crap together and figure out a way to get people to talk to eachtoher once again. Youve only got three more years under G.W., so suck it up.

...As for the GOP folks:

...Yes, I am a GOP guy, but I can occasionally see where the Liberal's concern comes from. I've admited on many occasions that Iraq has not gone as planned, but I would never say that the war happened without reason.

But you can stop the flag-waving conservatisim, as that too is getting old. Again, we are in it for the long-haul, and it is important to provide support for troops both home and abroad... But you can wave that flag as hard as you want, and Tobey Kieth can sing his heart out 'till he can't breathe, but you aren't going to change any Liberal's mind about what is going on.

I've got a cousin in the Navy, and he has been back and fourth to the Gulf several times. Two of my uncles are former Marines, one serving in the first Gulf War, the second doing duty in South America. My Grandfather is a Korean-War veteran in the Air Force, and the other served in the same war in the Navy as well. I'm proud to be a part of a family with a millitary history, but I don't drive around with yellow ribbons and American flags all over my car...

I'm as patriotic as the next guy, but please, I beg of both of you to have some ammount of moderation in your thoughts. Yes, we are doing the right thing in Iraq, but things have not gone as planned. This is not Vietnam, but this is no World War II either...

I suggest talking like gentlemen, not insane people from both sides of the isle. Namecalling and insults on eachother's inteligence isnt going to make you change eachother's minds...

Hell, you wonder why there is such a split in the American political landscape? Here is a picture of what is going on right here...
To me, what's as offensive as any unsubstantiated suggestion that American troops have a pattern of alleged murders by any randok person, is the futhering of that notion by the Iraqi Prime Minister (or President; one of them said it), who, wanting to placate the concerns of a segment of his people as to his loyalty, has no problem with an apparent slander of the forces from the nations (primarily the US) some think he's a puppet of. While politics might make his behavior understandable, it's still amoral, to say the least, of him, and so are the Iraqi people if most of them agree with using slander, maligning of character, as a means of trying to discredit allegations of being a puppet.

It's reprehensible.

"See, I'm not pulled by Yankee strings! I just called them baby killers!" "Vote for Me!"
...Well, the problem is that no one knows (except for those who were there) what exactly happened. Hence the investigation that has been going on for quite some time...

But when we have our politicians automatically deciding that these people are guilty without seeing or hearing exactly what happened, that in itself is wrong.

...I belive the phrase is "Innocent until proven guilty," is it not?
My speech teacher said that this is the tightest/most restricted war any nation has had to fight under. Soldiers need to identify and confirm the target before opening fire. The rules of engagement are as tight as ever. This incident was probably one out of a million compared to other wars being fought around the world i.e. Sudan.

However, my speech teacher brougt up another example before it lead to the Haditha massacre. He asked us that if he were to find his wife being raped in his house, what should he do? Most of us in the class agreed that at that moment in our mind, we would feel more than justified to kill or at least greatly injure the attacker. My class is comprised of Blacks, Carribeans, Spanish, European (he just came from norway), whites, asians (me and this other girl) and basically a diverse crowd people that could easily make up for a considerable proportion of the US (the demographic in my class was about twenty yrs old). We wanted to see the rapist get hurt.

DID anybody from my class point out attacking and killing the rapists' family/friends? Or even killing/harming the neighbors in the neighborhood where the offence had been taken????? The neighbors have nothing to do with the rape so why should I bring the question up???? BECAUSE the family(s) massacred in Haditha weren't confirmed combatants and most likely* didn't have a direct relation with the death of Cpl Miguel Terrazas. And what about the children? Yeah, there are child combatants, but they don't arm small girls with weapons.

Anyways, it was sad because when it came to Haditha, my class found it justified or at least understood why the soldiers killed those family(s).

Terrorists kill non-combatants for a cause just like the 9/11 attacks. The killings in Haditha should be considered an act of terrorism too then.

In the end however, I hope we win the war (can't hope for anything else but win.) and that the Marines see at least some time or at the VERY LEAST, no more cover up stories from their side and a heartful apology to the people of Iraq.